Sunday, December 30, 2012


My first ever semi-pro camera in my life. 
Big thanks and love to papa and mama.

Welcome to mama, my dear Samsung NX1000!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Random on Xmas

Merry Christmas once again to everyone! 
Staying at home and squeezing in sofa in this special occation.
Now waiting for supper delivery from papa. ^^

Passing by to my blog and found a special thingy.

Tata! My JMomo is 1010 day-old today!
Hoohooo :D

Thursday, December 20, 2012

2012 2012

Nothing much to mention about.

5 more days to Christmas. 
A wonderful moment to celebrate with family. 

Can't wait to back home after 48 hours! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Update to show that I'm still alive!

I'm back here, while waiting in the "waiting room" of Air Asia webpage to grab cheap flight tickets. Can't believe that I've been abandoning my bloggie for such a long time. Time really passes freaking-ly fast especially when you are in the super duper busy mood.

Had spent my days in the past few weeks in the very utilized way. Everyday tons of things had filled up my days and most probably this situation will be continue until January. 

Of cause as a student, I'm still busy for my lectures, presentations and assignments. Beside my TV study assignments, I'm still have to handle with my 3-Dimentional art class's assignments. This is the main torturing point of my life here. Interesting yet, deadly. 

While busy for study, as usual, I'm occupied with activities. My Japanese Language Society and dance group. Lotsa of things happened and happening, I'm still survive with it. :)

Yet, I'm back to work in Forever21 shop. Had some issue with the bossy boss, but due to I'm so damn poor now, I'm back to work in November. Then I'll be leaving for another part time job as a kids' enrichment center teacher. Hoohoo~ again, Miss L is coming back. ^^

Well I know this is a pointless post. Just a little scribble from me. Night world! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

TVXQ. Catch Me.

Baby Catch Me. Catch Me
Catch Me, Girl, Tonight
떠나 버리기 전에
(I’m serious I’m serious)
나를 잡고 막고 울고 때리고
이유를 말해줬다면
(I’m serious I’m serious)

The comeback of the prince charming. UKnow Yunho and Max Changmin. CATCH ME.

I almost play it in my laptop for 24 hours. Can't stop replaying the song. Keep on clicking the button of replaying for the video.
Love this to the maximum! The synchronized robotic choreograph is awesome. They sure worked hard for this.

あつかれさまでしたね~ Can't wait to watch their live comeback performance soon.
And also knowing that they were filming for Running Man latest episode.

Hoot! Deabak!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


别为了能够 拥有,而去随便争取。
这样   对谁都不好。



唉的一声     潇洒走开。





多久了  又一次
看着 望着 烦恼着

因为,  而心动

为了,  而动心

很烦 很茫 很酸

我又一次躲进龟壳里    不去想  不能去想




Tuesday, September 11, 2012

+ 我今年大三了 +










全照~ 我小而巧的地盘。




Wednesday, September 5, 2012

+ Camera Wanted! +

Camera is always one of the items in my most wanted things list. Even I'm not so into professional photography field, but as a broadcasting student, a proper camera is indeed a need for me. Eveytime going out and sees that many people has a camera in hand and can shoot whatever they want anytime just makes me so damn jealous. As time goes by, the thought of having one keeps growing stronger, but the money issue always stop me wtf

Went out for gathering last time and found that one of my friends is now using this semi-pro camera -- Canon G12.

Seriously, I'm having love in a first sight to it. Cool appearance, light body, nice basic shooting needs, plus support 720p video recording! For me it's just totally super suitable me. Gotta work hard for my part-time job for this! Please wait for me babe!!

The second one is the instant polaroid camera which I have been noisy to get one since my secondary school life. Nothing much, just simply love the cute design of the camera and the instant photo capturing & printing effects. I think I can get this sooner compared to Canon G12 since the price is so much more cheaper.

They always come in different attractive cute colorful designs. COOL~~

Even I'm not a Hello Kitty lover, but yet like this so much~
どても どても かわいいね ^^

Hope these won't be just wish anymore. Good luck to me for get a part-time job ASAP~ :D

Thursday, August 30, 2012

+ 当我们同在一起 +








Monday, August 6, 2012

+ Step and Run +

Never knew that my left knee's injured can be this bad until I went for doctor. 
Had been working so hard for my dance performances and other exercises for past 6 months.
Jumping, stretching, falling,
all jumbled up and made it became worsen.

Doctor said that I might hurt the inner ligament and gotta get more rest.
If it becomes worse or torn the injured,
I might need a surgery on it.


It has been already the third month since I hurt it.
I was still running here and there, putting on my heels to everywhere that time.
Now he told me not to dance / exercise for some time.
How can it be!?

Totally can't accept that I can't dance or exercise anymore..
Praying hard for myself to recover ASAP...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

+ :D +

Life is still going on with my internship. 
Have been totally occupy by lotsa works every day.
Learn lotsa new things. Gained lotsa interesting experiences.


A super duper ramdom post to keep my blog active.
Coming week is already the 5th week.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

+ Happy belated with EPG +

Well, after few months of studying in different places all around Malaysia,
we are back together on 6/7/2012. And of cause, for my birthday~ ^^

Knowing that they were going to celebrate my birthday with me. Before went out mama said that how comes I just dress up with t-shirt and short and I just said that nothing special. :P 
We went to 21st Century restaurant that night. To be frank, I thought I only able to meet 3 / 4 of them, didn't expect others + one mystery guest coming. The best part of the night was having a nice and lovely moment with them.

After eat and drink and 3 8 for 1 hour plus plus, here came the moment they prepared for. Stupid monkey Lily came to me with a candle on her hand and put on the table. Saying that that's all for my birthday. I was stunted there for second and burst out laugh with others. But  after they fooled me for minutes, there was a stuff holding a cake filled with candles walked to me from behind. And at the same time, birthday song from the 38 gang. ^^

22 years old, 22 candles and totally filled up the cake's surface lol.Another thing that out of my expectation is, my darlings bought me a set of make-up product from Elianto. Hahahahaha~ Is it because of I always involve in performances better to have my own make-up set, or I'm already in the stage of "have to make-up"? No matter what, appreciate it to the bottom of my heart!

He is the one! The special mystery guest! My 1.5 friend told me there is a friend coming to meet us when we were in the restaurant. I did thought of him but can't believe he really did come. There is already 2 years ++ after our last gather. He told me 1.5 told him at the very last minute and he just came without present. He still him, the funny him. Nice chatting time with him and he made me laugh into tears for few times lmao xD

Polaroid photos from my dearest Yun! I should had ask them to sign on it for me. Sigh~ How I wish I can own one Polaroid camera real soon too. The photos ALL belongs to me. Like these so much. Just that I looks so damn pale in my solo photo. Jeezzzz... well, is really the time to do some make-up for our next gathering. :D

Had a nice sweet night with my EPG dears that night. The best moment of the night ain't the celebration part, is having the time to meet with my girls. When time passing by and we are busy studying in different places, the time we gather and have fun become lesser and lesser. I treasure and appreciate every moment to spend with them.

I'm 22 now and so glad to say that, I still having you girls as my besties.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

+ 二十二 +



22, a number of age that showing I'm no more a kid.
  One year older, yet still on the way to become a better person. 
Gotta learn to be more mature and wiser.
Happy 22th birthday to me. 
Lotsa to my mama :D

Sunday, June 10, 2012

+ Study week!? +

Is a sunny Sunday today. I got a MC from my working place and going to stay in my room for the whole day.
Yes, today is the very last day of our study week, BUT also the first day of mine. :P

Went for Thailand trip with friends at the first 3 days of study week.
Had a nice great time time and spent almost all my money before came back.
Going to blog this trip out real soon. ;)

Also was busy for my working this week. 
Being a rookie in Forever21 ain't a nice job. 
They gave my the lightest job a.k.a standing at the front door and greet to the customers.
It's so killing-ly boring!! Time passes so damn slow ><

This semester I only having four written papers to sit for my final.
Thanks to my 100% coursework based minor.
But still my exam schedule is sucks. -_____-

11/6 - Communication & Culture
12/6 - Script writing
13/6 - Japanese II
26/6 - Communication, Power & Conflict

Ya ya ya~
Tomorrow will be starting my first paper.
Wish me good luck. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

+ 突然好想您 +









Tuesday, June 5, 2012

+ Into Forever21 +

last month of my 21 years old.

In this special yet important month,
I'm into Forever21.

Happy working + exam month to myself!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

:: 520 ::








3Q, 5 2 0

Sunday, May 6, 2012

:: Feast of artistic :D ::

Seven more days to our big show.
Dance practices still going.
Styling, make-up, stage formation, lighting bla bla bla stuffies not really completely settled. =/

Feels so tired of everyday endless practices and discussions.
But still,
I'm enjoying it. :)

Little targets before the show:
1. DIET!!
2. Sit-up x 30 times a day to get rid of my cute tummy
3. Sleep earlier ( kinda impossible, but my dark circles are so terrible! >< )
4. Drink more H2O
5. No fried / fast food within these few days!

Pray hard that our show will run smooth on that day.

All the best to my Bees & Tiramisu~

Thursday, May 3, 2012

:: Blue MPMKF ::

Went for Kung Fu Club Appreciation Night last Sunday.
An usual dinner for all performers and committees after their hard-works for Malam Kung Fu.

Went for my dance practice early in the morning that day. After that went to APT salon for make-up and hair-do with pals. :D

 Our terrible faces before make-up. =/

 Our own-set theme is blue. 

Oh yeah~ us after make-up and dress up. =^^=
Nice make-up and hair-do after a high payment~ :P

I thought only 4 of us will be the special "Blue" gang of the night. 
But who knows when we were there, found that there were lotsa ladies dressed up blue a well.
Lol nice coincident~ :D

  Me, Ele, LeePeng & Ee.

 Shaolin boy a.k.a. Mr.Ho, my course mate~

 My drum-mates :)

 Miss Law, me & Miss Te~

We had this again in 2012~ balloon kiss with Miss. Phoon! xD
Gotta make a compared picture with last year~

  Me and the pretty Miss Ke Li. Like her dress so much. :D

 We didn't really stayed until the ending of the dinner.
Heehee~ what we thought were we don't wanna wasted our nice make-up by just straight away back to hostel.
We sneaked out from the ball room and went for Snow Flakes house for desserts.

*  *

really happy to hear that many people saying that i'm become slimmer compared to before ^^

Next time if I have a chance to host a party, will definitely set it a blue theme also~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

:: Checklist ::

had been crazily incredibly insanely busy for the past few days.
*this causing me fall sick-ing*
i even wonder that did i even got 40 hours of total sleep wtf 

ambiguous drawing
a1 paper-sized shapes drawing
speaking text drawing
3rd rehearsal for WenYu
origami event hosting
a3 paper-sized portrait drawing
comm & cultural presentation
japanese listening test 
contemporary dance's tshirt design
choreograph for modern dance
yukata event hosting
dance group agm
japanese language society agm

 God, my works list is like never gonna end.
so damn tired physically and mentally.
but still, i'm enjoying my life.

good luck to me!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

:: 150412 ::

I'm back.
After one week of not-so-relax semester break at home.
Mentally prepared for my coming busy weeks.

luckily my room ain't too big. is enough to make me crazy tidying up.

Going to start my
2nd part of 2nd semester of my 2nd year study.

Cheers to myself!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

:: That's the break ::

Didn't really went out for parties / chit-chat / shopping during my break.
Assignments makes me moodless yet friends were busy for other stuffs.

Practically just hanged out with family.
Sweet yet nice time indeed.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

:: He's 8 years old ^^ ::

Happy belated 8th birthday to my naughty monkey cousin~

met him few days after his birthday,
the first sentence pop out was
"Da jie, where is my present?
Gor gor got his already~"

oh god, he wants to meet the present more than me.
as a small punishment for this,
i did made fun of him before gave away the present~


Saturday, April 7, 2012

:: R.I.P. my sem break ::

Today is the first day of USM official semester break.
Started from Thursday, I saw many students already went back home with their big luggage and happy smile.
*jealous-nya T^T*

Too bad I'm not one of them.
Gotta stay here until 7th April to go back home.
Nothing special, just for assignments' sake. -___-

Too many works. Too little time.
My semester break is official ended before it starts! =(

Planned something for my sem break :D
1. Done assignments *priority wtf!*
2. Interview for internship
3. Day out with my EPG
4. Date with my JESS sweeties
5. Gathering with family <3


Dear everyone,
Happy holiday! ^^

Even life isn't going too smoothly,
but still,
gotta keep moving on and face it with big big smile. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

:: ='] ::







Monday, April 2, 2012

:: 4th month of 2012 ::

Hi April! ^^

Time flies, my March just come and go at the very fast speed.
So far, March'12 is my busiest month.
*Basically 95% was about dance & performances :P*

Speak of my last week of March, for the first time in my life I completed 3 shows within 7 days!
You can imagine how I passed the week without proper normal human being's lifestyle.

24/3/2012 - Saturday - Sunny

Our dance group from USM main campus did a small cross-over with dance group from USM engineering campus. Nice time to spend with the funny guys from there.
Funny point : ladies are from main campus, gentleman are from engineering campus. xD


28/3/2012 - Wednesday - Warm

Dance group's flashmob II was in the house!
This time we collaborated with Hotlink in the conjunction of their latest plan promotion. 6 minutes of performance with 50 dancers in USM. Tiring preparation but proudly announce that we completed it successfully and nicely.
Yet, glad to hear our dancers enjoyed it and the representative from Hotlink also satisfied with our performance! ^^


31/3/2012 - Saturday - Cloudy

This time, I no longer a senior dancer from dance group, but performed as a dancer from School of Communication.
Our seniors held a concert as their final year project and we were one of the concert's performers.
This time my teammates were JiaYing, Shabi and Crisnee.
Fresh yet nice combination. :D
Was kinda nervous during this show due to have lotsa outsiders, media, reporters, friends and lecturers sitting down there.
Plus we prepared it in short time due to our busy timetable. But thanks God, our performance ended smoothly. ^^


So that's how I spent my last week of March. Still feeling tired when recalls all these.
Looking forward for my April'12~
waiting for more challenges & in-expectations ^^