Monday, November 26, 2012

Update to show that I'm still alive!

I'm back here, while waiting in the "waiting room" of Air Asia webpage to grab cheap flight tickets. Can't believe that I've been abandoning my bloggie for such a long time. Time really passes freaking-ly fast especially when you are in the super duper busy mood.

Had spent my days in the past few weeks in the very utilized way. Everyday tons of things had filled up my days and most probably this situation will be continue until January. 

Of cause as a student, I'm still busy for my lectures, presentations and assignments. Beside my TV study assignments, I'm still have to handle with my 3-Dimentional art class's assignments. This is the main torturing point of my life here. Interesting yet, deadly. 

While busy for study, as usual, I'm occupied with activities. My Japanese Language Society and dance group. Lotsa of things happened and happening, I'm still survive with it. :)

Yet, I'm back to work in Forever21 shop. Had some issue with the bossy boss, but due to I'm so damn poor now, I'm back to work in November. Then I'll be leaving for another part time job as a kids' enrichment center teacher. Hoohoo~ again, Miss L is coming back. ^^

Well I know this is a pointless post. Just a little scribble from me. Night world! :)

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