Monday, August 6, 2012

+ Step and Run +

Never knew that my left knee's injured can be this bad until I went for doctor. 
Had been working so hard for my dance performances and other exercises for past 6 months.
Jumping, stretching, falling,
all jumbled up and made it became worsen.

Doctor said that I might hurt the inner ligament and gotta get more rest.
If it becomes worse or torn the injured,
I might need a surgery on it.


It has been already the third month since I hurt it.
I was still running here and there, putting on my heels to everywhere that time.
Now he told me not to dance / exercise for some time.
How can it be!?

Totally can't accept that I can't dance or exercise anymore..
Praying hard for myself to recover ASAP...


  1. i noe how it feels... hurt my hand b4 a tkd tournament too.. bt wat u can do now is put least strain on it and rest well!

  2. OMG my dear!! faster get well!!!

    1. ya. taking medicines n having gud rest. thx ^^ <3

  3. ahh... pabo unnie... didn't know that u injured... how r u now?? T.T
