Saturday, April 7, 2012

:: R.I.P. my sem break ::

Today is the first day of USM official semester break.
Started from Thursday, I saw many students already went back home with their big luggage and happy smile.
*jealous-nya T^T*

Too bad I'm not one of them.
Gotta stay here until 7th April to go back home.
Nothing special, just for assignments' sake. -___-

Too many works. Too little time.
My semester break is official ended before it starts! =(

Planned something for my sem break :D
1. Done assignments *priority wtf!*
2. Interview for internship
3. Day out with my EPG
4. Date with my JESS sweeties
5. Gathering with family <3


Dear everyone,
Happy holiday! ^^

Even life isn't going too smoothly,
but still,
gotta keep moving on and face it with big big smile. :)