Saturday, January 31, 2009

My CNY routine

Dunno is because of most of us are big enough already or due to those annoying ABC factors, this year everything seem like become dull and the celebration mood is not that liven up compared to past years. =='
Many of my friends, my peer cousins and even those older than me, all of them said that now they are less interesting in this big day.
Eveything just like nothing special.(?)
But for me, I still really anticipate for our Chinese traditional big day.
Even now I can not enjoy my CNY like what I did when I was a little girl, grabbed as many sweets as I can, run and screamed in my relatives' houses and others, but I can enjoy my CNY as I'm a lady now~ ^^v
This year, due to the economics and some ''financially problems'', we did not go vacationing like we did past years. T___T This year we just stayed here and had our economize holiday trips.
Here are my routine during my one week CNY holiday :
1. Dinner at dad side's uncle's house
2. Back to mum side's uncle's house
3. Trip to Zoo Negara
4. Pray and had a walk to Dong Zhan Shi temple
5. Outing with friends
6. Reunion with old friends
7. Pay New Year calls to .........
8. Outing with family
Even seems like quite lots of activities, but I still feel like I should arrange more for my schedule.
Hahahaha~~ ^o^ Well~
This is the moment I can enjoy in this year, cause after this I need to put my full attention to my STPM preparations already @_@
I took quite lots of pictures in this holiday, I'll update it soon~ ^.^v

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