Friday, January 16, 2009

crazy friday ;p

Since my first day in Yu Hua, my school life always fill with laughters. My gang have 10 people, thus we always have different things can talk and laugh about. But today seems like crazier *v*

This was recorded by Ray during our assembly. Hahaha~ Me and Bun were fighting ;p










After class, when everybody left, we stayed in class and...... filming! ^o^ Here's the NG scenes. Kakakaka~~

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Want to watch the full version? Coming soon...... ^.^

After that, we went to the Remove class for the "Mentor - Mentee" programme, but I left earlier cause I had a date with mum~ ^^

Mum, my sis and me went to Metro Point to have out lunch. I chose Station Kopitiam again! XP Hahaha... This is the second times I went into this shop in these 3 days.

I love their ice lemon tea~ Not so sweet yet not so sour.
My youngest sister
The yummy chicken chop~

Chicken soup~ I don't really like this ==' prefer mushroom cream ^^
I'm full!!

Mum's tom yam seafood rice. Oh gosh~ this is so delicious~ *.*

After lunch, we went to shop for new clothes again~ ^^ This time mum bought the most~ Keekee...

Mum likes this check-shirt. After I persuaded her, she bought it. ;p It costs RM49.90~ I like it too~ She can wear it on the first day of Chinese New Year. ^^

These 2 pieces of clothes total cost RM50.00 only~ Pretty yet elegant.

My bro~ ** Why you smile like this?? **

I bought a pair of shoes and a cute sling bag.

I never thought of buy this kind of ''pinky'' ''lovely'' bag. But today, I did.

Mum bought one sling bag for sis too. If nt she'll cry. ^o^
We spent around RM300 in buying all these. Lucky now still in the mega sales, if not for sure we need to spend more on this.
** I still wanna buy a pair of sport shoes~ ^^ **

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