Saturday, January 31, 2009

1st day of CNY

Before depart, we took photo in front of my house.
AAA~~ why my face in black?!!! T____T

When we arrived aunt's house, they were out to Jusco! O_o While waiting them came back from there, I, cousins and sister took photo at the stairway~

Bobo, me, Wei, Jenny

Huuhuu~~ disturb ^.^v

I like this photo~

Aunt's grandchild. She's so cute and her eyes are so big. *.*

Jenny took this when we were on the way to relative's house.
Know what is this?? Cool~ right??





Me and my sister were doing nothing when waiting our turn for lunch at another aunt's house. Thus we played with these cool specs~
I like the white framed one the most~ I wanna buy it!! ( even I have one already XP )

- Finish -

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