Saturday, January 31, 2009

1st day of CNY

Before depart, we took photo in front of my house.
AAA~~ why my face in black?!!! T____T

When we arrived aunt's house, they were out to Jusco! O_o While waiting them came back from there, I, cousins and sister took photo at the stairway~

Bobo, me, Wei, Jenny

Huuhuu~~ disturb ^.^v

I like this photo~

Aunt's grandchild. She's so cute and her eyes are so big. *.*

Jenny took this when we were on the way to relative's house.
Know what is this?? Cool~ right??





Me and my sister were doing nothing when waiting our turn for lunch at another aunt's house. Thus we played with these cool specs~
I like the white framed one the most~ I wanna buy it!! ( even I have one already XP )

- Finish -

CNY outing with friends

Yesterday I spent 12 hours hanged out with friends. We went to a few places and got our red packets. ^^

I woke up at around 10am and Bun came fetch me at 11.30am to Ray's house. We spent around 30mins there then Bun, Ray, Lily, Apple, Shynn, Elephant and I went to watch movie.

Hoohoo~~ Even we took photo with this board, but actually we watched a CNY comedy. The movie is sooo~~ nice and I wanna watch it once again with family! ^^

Ray and her sister were last minute joined our trip, thus Lily didn't book tickets for them. Both of them went shopping.
Shynn had another reunion party so she left right after the movie end.


We went to Ray, Bun, 7un and Pn Chiang's house. ( of cause we did gamble~ )

Kakaka~~ They came to my house before we went for our dinner at McDonald.

Heehee~ I skiped our family dinner and ate the Spicy Chicken Deluxe burger!! XP

While waiting Bun and others came back from parking, me, Lily and Apple took photos to kill time~

Their love is out of shape~ Wakakaka ^o^

Don't come near to me!!

Lily revenge.... T___T

3 of us are photogenic~~ ^.^v

When I reached home was around 11.40pm already and the family party was just dismiss too. Luckily mum didn't scold me. ^^v

- The end -

My CNY routine

Dunno is because of most of us are big enough already or due to those annoying ABC factors, this year everything seem like become dull and the celebration mood is not that liven up compared to past years. =='
Many of my friends, my peer cousins and even those older than me, all of them said that now they are less interesting in this big day.
Eveything just like nothing special.(?)
But for me, I still really anticipate for our Chinese traditional big day.
Even now I can not enjoy my CNY like what I did when I was a little girl, grabbed as many sweets as I can, run and screamed in my relatives' houses and others, but I can enjoy my CNY as I'm a lady now~ ^^v
This year, due to the economics and some ''financially problems'', we did not go vacationing like we did past years. T___T This year we just stayed here and had our economize holiday trips.
Here are my routine during my one week CNY holiday :
1. Dinner at dad side's uncle's house
2. Back to mum side's uncle's house
3. Trip to Zoo Negara
4. Pray and had a walk to Dong Zhan Shi temple
5. Outing with friends
6. Reunion with old friends
7. Pay New Year calls to .........
8. Outing with family
Even seems like quite lots of activities, but I still feel like I should arrange more for my schedule.
Hahahaha~~ ^o^ Well~
This is the moment I can enjoy in this year, cause after this I need to put my full attention to my STPM preparations already @_@
I took quite lots of pictures in this holiday, I'll update it soon~ ^.^v

Friday, January 23, 2009

MUET speaking test =='

Wait ar~ 5 seconds..........


Yesterday teacher gave us a speaking practise during the MUET lessons. The main task was about what is the important quality to define beauty and I was so lucky that I got my task is about beauty lies in a person's personality.

Easy isn't it?? I did think that so. I was so happy when teacher gave us 2 minutes to brain-storm for our points and my ideas were come out non-stop. ^.^v I jotted down my points and rewrote it in a proper sequences. When teacher started to choose students to present in front the class, I and YJ were start shivering already. ( we also don't know why! I had kind of feeling that teacher will called me ) I know that my english lauguage is not that fluent but still I was quite confident that I can speak properly in front there. X.X

BUT!!!!! When teacher called my name and when I stood at front of the class, I was already can't stop shiver with nervous!!! The points that I had memorised were totally went out from my brain!! Noooo~~~~~~ T_____T After I greet, I was just able to give out my points without any elaborations. I tried to give out more points but it was in a mess!! Then teacher advices me to keep myself calm down and do not panic.

AAAAAAA~~~~ What's wrong with me?!! T___________T
I just feel want to die when I recall this. The task was so easy and I was able to get lots of ideas, but why I spoiled it like this???? >.<

Haih~ Is ok!! Next time, for sure I can do it better!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Love letter from Shynn

All of a sudden, today everyone of us from EPG received a ''love letter'' from Shynn. Shynn is well-known by her literary talent. She wrote something about us and with a meaningful lyric or poem ( I not sure ) as well.
She used this beautiful paper wrote her message to me~ Others all just on colour papers only. ^^ Keekee~~
But when I was still showing off my love letter to others, she told me that this is not because she loves me the most, is just because of.............................................
not enough of colour papers!! T__T
** heart broke ...... **
Back bottom of the paper :

With my name

and her's. Yeah~ EPG 4ever :x



给我所宝贝的蚊子 :

如游乐园般 色彩缤纷的你
散发的却是 多姿多彩的光彩
仿佛游走在 脱俗世界边缘的你

" Chiquitita, tell me what's wrong
You're enchained by your own sorrow
In your eyes there is no hope for tomorrow
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you're so sad, so quiet
Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I'm a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, I;m the one you must rely on
You were always sure of yourself
Now I see you've broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together
Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go
and the scars they're leaving
You'll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You have no time for grieving
Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, Chiquitita
Try once more like you did befor
Sing a new song, Chiquitita… "


Be brave, be happy…


What I want to say is just,

thanks for the message
thanks for the care
thanks for the consider
thanks for everything ...

Friday, January 16, 2009

crazy friday ;p

Since my first day in Yu Hua, my school life always fill with laughters. My gang have 10 people, thus we always have different things can talk and laugh about. But today seems like crazier *v*

This was recorded by Ray during our assembly. Hahaha~ Me and Bun were fighting ;p










After class, when everybody left, we stayed in class and...... filming! ^o^ Here's the NG scenes. Kakakaka~~

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Want to watch the full version? Coming soon...... ^.^

After that, we went to the Remove class for the "Mentor - Mentee" programme, but I left earlier cause I had a date with mum~ ^^

Mum, my sis and me went to Metro Point to have out lunch. I chose Station Kopitiam again! XP Hahaha... This is the second times I went into this shop in these 3 days.

I love their ice lemon tea~ Not so sweet yet not so sour.
My youngest sister
The yummy chicken chop~

Chicken soup~ I don't really like this ==' prefer mushroom cream ^^
I'm full!!

Mum's tom yam seafood rice. Oh gosh~ this is so delicious~ *.*

After lunch, we went to shop for new clothes again~ ^^ This time mum bought the most~ Keekee...

Mum likes this check-shirt. After I persuaded her, she bought it. ;p It costs RM49.90~ I like it too~ She can wear it on the first day of Chinese New Year. ^^

These 2 pieces of clothes total cost RM50.00 only~ Pretty yet elegant.

My bro~ ** Why you smile like this?? **

I bought a pair of shoes and a cute sling bag.

I never thought of buy this kind of ''pinky'' ''lovely'' bag. But today, I did.

Mum bought one sling bag for sis too. If nt she'll cry. ^o^
We spent around RM300 in buying all these. Lucky now still in the mega sales, if not for sure we need to spend more on this.
** I still wanna buy a pair of sport shoes~ ^^ **

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New clothes ^^

Last night after dinner, I went out bought clothes with mum n dad. My sis went out yam cha with her friends at Metro Point. Thus, after we dropped her there, we went to Parkson.

We went out from 8pm till 10++pm. Actually, I supposed to stay at home and do my revision on my Macro-Economies. ( cause teacher will ask us some questions from the chapter that she taught before holiday and I had totally forget what I have learnt before @.@ )
When I was still shilly-shally, mummy kept saying that if I don't go out with them now, then I will have no time and no more money to buy my clothes.
Thus, 10 minutes after that, I was in the car and on the way to shopping mall. ( mum I hate you XP ) Heehee~~ ** wink **

After 2 hours, I was able to get 2 pieces of clothes. Hohoho~ Let me show it here. My camera is out of battery now, thus I just use my handphone =p

Beautiful T got from Tropicana Life. It costs only RM24.95 after discount~ Like it so much ^.^v

See the logo?? I love that ''Mr. Bean's car''.

White short!! I have looked for this for a long time already~ T__T

Thank you so much, dad and mum!!


Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Since last week, mummy was busy in baking cookies. Now my sister is in holiday, so, she becomes mum's good helper.

Me?? Of course I help mum to rush those cookies too! Even most the time I busy for my study, my school activities and tuitions~ XP
See?? The cookies almost done! But seriously, this thing is so HOT!! Made me sweat non-stop =='

Come on~ I didn't eat it!

Those missing are here~ XP


OK! This one done! ^.^v

Cereal cookies!

Mum and sis were busy knead the dough. At the same time, me, be the photographer~ XP


Know what is this?

Chocolate chips! My love~~ *v*

Those chocolate chips need to put on the cookies as decorations.

Mission completed!! ^.^v