Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today is my big bay. Really a "big day". Haha :D
I went for a hair cut this morning.
I really can't tahan with my bird nest long hair already. ==" Short hair suits me more ^.^v

At afternoon, I went to MetroPoint to have a date with my dearest Anna Banana. xD
Oh gosh~ she's so thin now compared to last time I saw her at Pavilion. o_O
We talked non-stopped for around 2 hours. Is always feel nice to meet with her~
Have more rest ya my dear~ take care of yourself ;)
Then, Purple 1.5 and Bun came and fetch me to WanZai. We had our small celebration there. =)
This is the cake that they bought for me. Is coffee flavour~ Nice ^^
This is the message they wrote for me... ==" (for those don't understand, don't ask me why. It has a long story behind it)
Here's part of the photos that we took that day. Lazy to upload all of it =.= zzZ
Wanna know my wishes?? Heehee...
1. *secret*
2. *big secret*
3. *top ssecret*

Prank time! The EPG tradition... \(T____T)/

Nothing I can say but just Thank You.
Even were just 6 of us, but still, I'm really happy. I love you guys.

They gave me this as my present. Cute little cactus~ TvT
They say that it has the function that can prevent radioactive, which is suitable for those always sit in front of computer like me.
After said goodbye to 7un and ele, we went to Mewah Club.
Talked nonsense there until dusk. xD

* * * * * * * * * *
Once again, thanks to my dearest darlings that prepared everything for me.
My wishes :
* those love me and I love can stay happy and healthy all the time *
* my STPM passes with flying colors *
* can stay my loved ones forever *
and last but not least......
* world peace! *

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