Friday, July 31, 2009

Goodbye to MUET drama

Finally, all of us finished our MUET drama shooting. Thus, we went out to celebrate at a steamboat house in Serdang.

3 big tables. 15 of us. Syiok sendiri and almost turned around that steamboat house.
Lazy to add on words. Photos will do the explanations. =P
Here's just a part from the total photos we took. I'll post those on other webs. Be patient.

These 3 fellows were the earliest reached there and also the latest went back. =.=

Me and CY reached there before others there, thus, both of us strated our feast first! ^^

We spent 3 hours++ there. What all of us did in that few hours were just eat, talking crap and taking photos.

We can just do whatever postures there no matter how many people are beside us.

We can learn a word from this photo -----> GREED. xP

Wanna try a watermelon-tea?

When we all full, we started to play the sisa-sisa.... ==' May God forgive us, amen.
At the beginning, 10 of us sat separetely at 2 different tables. But an hour later, we moved to the bigger table and squeezed around that table.
It's so fun! =)
Then when we want to leave, the table became like this ----->>

We ate untill 10pm++, then 6 of us still donit wanna go back. So we went to WC's house.
When I reached home, it's already passes 12am wtf. =.='
Luckily my parent didn't really scold me. (i told them I went out with classmates ^^)

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