Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today we sat for one paper only, either Business Study / Mathematics S.

I'm at Maths side and the test is quite 'OK' for me ;p

Today's test only include 3 chapters :

  • Matrices
  • Correlation and Regression
  • Integration

Out of these 3, Integration is the most difficult chapter. Lots of dx, dy, cos, sin, cosec and bla bla bla drive my crazy already @.@ But still, I like this topic even I can't really score. It's challenging. ^^v

Matrices and Correlation & Regression are the simple topics. I can understand these topics even just self-study. * proud xD *

So I hope I can score well in this test.

Tomorrow, Mandarin and Pengajian Am...... @____@

* die T_____T *

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