Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday!

March is really a 'blessed' month. Know why?
Many people beside me were born in this month. T_____T
I bought presents until PK already. Even my prince JJ also born in March.



Today, is my dearly kawaii cousin's 5th birthday~

Happy Birhtday to Hao Hao~
We celebrated his birthday in my house on 28.3.2009. We gave him lots of presents. Sweets, chocolates, books, Ben 10 clothes..... and with one yam flavoured ice-cream cake~ Yummy..^^

Wish this mischievious boy stay happy everyday!

We love him forever! ^x^

* * * * * * * * * *

The second person who was born on 30 March 18 years ago.

He is.........................................


Mr. Brian Fam

Haha~ so sorry, Mr B~ This is the only picture I have, which with this charming angle.

Fu~ B-kun, ka-ku-i ne. ^.^

You're finally 18, big big boy already. Congrats!

Wish you all the best in your JPA interview la~ And stays happy and healthy everyday.

p/s : I heard from my sister that you're now become ''single eye man'' who wants to go sell liang cha. All the best ya~

Saturday, March 28, 2009

JJ's concert is today!

JJ's concert is TODAY!!!
His concert will be held in Singapore Indoor Stadium tonight!

This concert will be an especially memorable one for JJ as he turned 28 yesterday. =)

Even I can't be there, but still I wish his concert goes well. I'm also longing for his second concert in Malaysia! ^^

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy 28th Birthday to...

Now has passed 12am.
Today is somebody big day.
This person plays a special yet important role in my life.
That's why I'm perfectly willing to sacrifice my precious snoring time and sit in front of my computer to post this special post.


To my dearest + cutest dimples king, Wayne a.k.a. JJ Lin

I want to congrats you on your opening of Smudge and of course the one year anniversary of JFJ Productions too. Continue to spread your love through fashion and music and many other things that will come along.

I hope you got more and more music productions and continue to write more great songs! You know your songs and music melt my heart always. It's touching and I really indulge your voice.

Most important is take care of yourself, you know all JMs are always worried about you when we saw those news which terrified us a lot.

We knew that you always want to show us your best performances. But still, take more rest please.

This time will be the 5th year for me to wish him a blessed birthday. I first loved him when I was 14 years old. Now, I’m going to be 19 already.

This pass 5 years has been a very precious and memorable 5 years. I have gained many different experiences. xD

And also because of JJ, I joined JJFC(M) in 2005. I met with lots of lovely JMs and be friends with them.

At the beginning, my family and many of my friends thought that I’m insane and kind of worried about me since that I’m too crazy over JJ. ==’

Now, not just my friends, all my relatives from both dad and mum’s side knew my obsession with him and they have accepted it too! Some of them even accompany me to go after JJ whenever he is in Malaysia.

Well~ this is good for me to let everyone beside me to know that how much I love my prince.
At least they will know that what they should buy for my birthday present. xD

Here's the video clip recorded by a JM from JJHKFC.
They celebrated his birthday a week before his biorthday, which was when he went to Hong Kong that time.

You still not sure how nice and cute is my prince? Watch it and you'll understand. ^^

Once again, happy 28th birthday to my prince JJ!

I love you~ ^^

p/s : Click here to read for the chinese version of this post.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I'm blogging now. Sounds like very relaxing right? Actually not at all!! I'm sure that you can't imagine that there are lots of works waiting for me now. T____T

Form 2 students motivation camp.
15 more days to go.
We as senior PRS have to take part in this camp. Lots of final preparations need to be finish up within these days.
Plan those games, talks, LDKs ......

MUET writing and listening tests.
30 days more.
Well~ This is really a HUGE problem to me... I wish I can do well preparations before I go for the tests, but, I have no idea on what can I do.
Language is always the easy subject to study and the tough subject to master. *headache*

Our F6 journal currently in preparation.
We have collected lots of articles from students. But still, still not enough for us to publish in our journal. Thus, all the ajks need to contribute more articles to our journal. And at the same time, I need to transfer those hand-writing articles into software copies. Luckily my group have 13 members to share these. If not, ...... @.@

Even lots of extra works need to do, but I will never forget to complete my homeworks. Good girl right? xD
Mathematics, Micro and Macro economics....... here I come. *weep with grief*

Ok. I should go and finish up my works.
Aza aza fighting~!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


These days something are upsetting me....
But everything will be OK~
my self-recover is good

Friday, March 20, 2009


** All info credits to JJFC(M). **

1. JJ concert in Singapore

This video is the advertisement of my prince JJ 2009 World Tour Concert in Singapore. He looks so handsome + irresistable, right? ^^ This concert will be held on 28 March, the day right after his 28th birthday.

This video reminds me his first ever concert in Malaysia 4 years ago, my uncle bought the tickets so I did go. This time I wish I can go to Singapore and support JJ as some JMs from Malaysia will go there. But, ........ T_______T
What I can do is just wish JJ all the best and the concert goes well.

2. SMG Tees

These T come with black and white, but I prefer in black. ;) All these designs and words are so cool~ Still Moving UnDer GunfirE ^^

I hope these tees won't be too expensive, cause I'm desparately want to have one!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to...

I didn't forget these big days and I did sms you guys, ok?? We have been together since we were small kids. Time passes so fast, now we are big boys big girls already. haih~ T____T

Haha.. So here, want to wish JY n CY a happy birthday! Wish both of you stay happy everyday~ ^^

Jenny, 0318. Yesterday was her 21th birthday. Want to wish her happy birthday. Well~ Even she's kind of 3388 and aggressive, but she's not single anymore ( her bf is now outstation to Japan ). ;P

Billy goat, 0319. He's Jenny's brother and his birthday is just a day after his sister's. So good isn't it? Today is his 19th birthday~ Happy birthday to him =)

p/s: You guys know that I'm just a poor student, no money to buy present. So, this post is the present for both of you. ^x^

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today is such a BORRINNGGG day to me.

Go sing K with cousins.
Go sing K with EPG.
Go steamboat with friends.

Know why?

1. I got a sore throat.
2. I get a sore throat.
3. No $$
4. Because of 1, 2, 3, no mood already


So this whole day, I just stay at home. Read all my comics, novels, sms with friends and doing nothing.

** bored till death!!!! ** scream~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Belated B'thday to Sam

Thanks to Yeo's post, if not I don't think I'll remember yesterday was somebody's birthday day~ ^^
This x-birthday girl is x-working colleague of my sister and mine when we worked as cashier in Bintang Hypermarket.
She's so nice and ''special'' since the first day I knew her, I just like her the way she is. =) What I want to mention here is, she's a big eater, but she's still so skinny! =='
So at here, want to say
Happy Belated Birthday
to Samantha!

You're 19 years old already. Big big girl~
Wish you all the best in your STPM. Stay healthy and happy everyday~ ^^

** And ya~This post is your birthday present~ =P **

Monday, March 16, 2009


Even is a bit late now, but still, I want to congratulate my prince JJ.

His first ever retail shop, SMUDGE is opened on 13.3.2009. But this shop is just available in Singapore now, so I don't think I can pay my visit to it T_____T

S.M.G. is another word of SMUDGE
Still Moving UnDer GunfirE

Now SMG shop is selling WARRIOR series Tee, cap, shoes...... I want to but one Smudge T and I have checked the price. But, the price is so expensive!! T____T

The cute + handsome boss ^^

I can imagine how fashionable is his shop.

If want to know more about SMG, always welcome to click here for more info. ^^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The new look

Dang, dang, dang, dang!

Obviously, I've changed my previous boring and gloom layout to this colorful skin. Nice?? I have spent 2 hours on this... =='

At first I decided to use JJ's picture as my skin, but, all of those are not suitable. Thus, I switched to this cute and colorful layout. This cartoon is one of my favourite anime, Ouran High School Host Club 桜蘭高校ホスト部.

Special thanks to Qing, who teach me how to edit this blog. Arigato gozaimasu~ so nice of you ^^

Friday, March 13, 2009

Holidays ^^

School 1 week break will starts tomorrow. We just finished our first monthly test, so this is the time for us to take a rest. ^^

I have planned my holidays already. So that I won't waste my holidays with doing nothing. *good girl? xD*

  • write articles for our book
  • do Math exercises
  • tuition
  • find articles that about 'Education'
  • prepare for MUET test
  • revision
  • attend a course for those want to enter local U

Of cause, I won't let my holidays just fill with school works~ ; )

  • go steamboat with classmates
  • watch movies
  • watch Skip Beat and La Cardo
  • friends reunions
  • play badminton

Actually I still have lots of things want to do in this holidays, but, too little of time :'(

Ok, that's all. Bye.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Congrats to......

SPM results is out today. Well~ Even is not my business, but is my sister's business.

My phone vibrated around 11.40am just now which was when I busy doing my PA exam. I know, that's a message from my sister. Once teacher stepped out the classroom, I faster took out my phone and checked. Ya, is her message, but, she sent me her friends' results only. =='

Ok~ Ok~ I concern about them, but I want to know HERS!

Well~ Since that she and her gang didn't want to tell me, so I called to someone that for sure will tell me. She is...................................... Mummy!! Haha~ Cause I sure sister will call to mum and tell her the result at the first time ^^v

My sister's friends all of them are so geng! Straight As, 11A1, 10A1........ @_____@ *ashamed*

So, wanna say congratulations to all of them. All of your hard works now have pay back~
And to my sister, W too. Your result is excellent. evenbetterthanmine ><
And, don't forget you still owe me RM70.00 =p

To all my juniors that cried, screamed, laughed, bla bla bla.... just now :


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today we sat for one paper only, either Business Study / Mathematics S.

I'm at Maths side and the test is quite 'OK' for me ;p

Today's test only include 3 chapters :

  • Matrices
  • Correlation and Regression
  • Integration

Out of these 3, Integration is the most difficult chapter. Lots of dx, dy, cos, sin, cosec and bla bla bla drive my crazy already @.@ But still, I like this topic even I can't really score. It's challenging. ^^v

Matrices and Correlation & Regression are the simple topics. I can understand these topics even just self-study. * proud xD *

So I hope I can score well in this test.

Tomorrow, Mandarin and Pengajian Am...... @____@

* die T_____T *

Friday, March 6, 2009


SMUDGE Flagship Store --> We're OPEN!!!


Type: Other - Retail

Network : Global


On our opening day, SMUDGE will be launching our first official collection.

Very limited quantities available for each design, so do drop by to show us some LOVE!!

Can't get enough of us?

Join the afterparty with the SMUDGE crew at REBEL, Clarke Quay (Doors open at 10pm).

*p/s: we'll be having a very special guest there on that day :) *


Thursday, March 5, 2009


I'm bored with this kind of layout already
I wanna change my blogskin!!!!
* scream in heart *
faster go and ask your friends la~

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Exam T___T

Next week
First monthly test
From 11.3.2009 - 13.3.2009
Won't online everyday until after exam...
Need to concentrate on my revision
Wish me good luck~