Thursday, May 28, 2009

My exam weeks

Tadaima~ =) Hello my dearest bloggie~
After I have 'dumped' you for around 2 weeks time, I'm back now!

Actually I have nothing can updates. ==' But since that my blog is so quite in the past 2 weeks, I have to liven it up.

Basically, my past 2 weeks were filled with exams and tuitions only. Since teachers wanted all of us to put 100% concentration to our study, they stopped all the co-curriculum. Morning for exams, noon for tuitions, night for revisions. Even our parents also always remind us that not forget to study.

Study, study, study, study, study, study,study, study, study, study, study, study, study, STUDY!!!

This kind of life style is really enough for just last for a month. If not, I'll die because of boredom and stress. Everybody knows that STPM is one of the toughest exams in the world. Now, I really understand and clear about this already. Even study for it for a long time ago, but still we can't really answer those wtf questions correctly.

I'm sure that my Economics is die already. If I'm lucky, I may can pass the Mathematics paper. Then the Chinese paper, MUET paper, PA paper, all are............ hopeless ==" Sayonara, my dearest A's.

I wish the STPM can over faster. *yell* I HATE memorising those stupid facts! I HATE memorising those stupid rules! I HATE MEMORISING!! HATE! HATE! HATE!! T______T

Monday, May 18, 2009


I'm away.
Preparing for the school major exam.
Then will start preparing for the Lower 6th Orientation programme.
Will do update when have time.

Friday, May 15, 2009

skip class again X.X

This morning went to McD with CY. Ok~ ya.. we ponteng and did self-study at there =p Today is my second day didn't go to school in this week.
Am I going to become a ''bad student''?? X.X nooo~~~ *scream in heart*

We reached there around 11am and that time was so quite just have a few people sitiing in the shop. I bought my food and started my revision.

An hour later, the shop became like this....................

I was like ==' when saw this. Well~ This realy can prove that everybody come for the lunch value package, so did we, this really can save money. =p

We sat at there until 2pm then went to tuition. A classmate told us that, almost half the students from our class didn't go to school and teachers didn't teach at all. Fuu~~~ lucky we didn't go too. =

And ya, got my health report just now. I got an anemia, just like mum. But thank God is just slightly, not a serious case. Because of this, mum says that I need to eat at least a type of fruit a day, so that I can recover soon. @___@

Ok~ Ok~ Yes mum! I'll follow what you says as long as you don't be too worry about me. =)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As I'm blogging now, I'm listening to SS501's songs. Hahaha~ recently mesmerised by these 5 cute + talented boys. I listened and watched their MV like a crazy people in these days. Non-stop repeat the songs without feeling bored. =P

Out of 5 of them, I loves him the most!!! 23 years old this year. Got casted in We Got Married and Boys Over Flower. I'm falling in love with his smile. Can you imagine how hot is he when he's dancing and how cute is he in the series drama? How irresistable~ *v*

So now, let me introduce to you my new hubby...

chiang, chiang, chiang!

Mr. Kim Hyun Joong =)
For me, he's kinda..... too thin. @.@ He's working so hard and please take more rest ya~

So sorry for I don't have too much pictures and videos of them, still searching. Will post more on this next time ;)

p/s: To my dearest JJ boy, no worry~ nobody can ever replace you in my heart. I'm still the number 1 JM of you~ ^_____^

* JJ's wearing the Baby J tee~ i want it so much!! *

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


is 10am and i'm blogging now. i skip class today. heehee~ today still have 2 more groups from my class will go for the MUET Speaking and teachers will ask us to self-study as mid-year exam is just around the corner. so, pointless to go to school.

I went for blodd test just now. mum says that i always looks so pale, so she brought me to do a check-up.

I hate injection!! it's quite painful T____T
well~ the report will be out on Friday. dunno how's it...

* * * * * * 

Today is 512. A tragedy happened a year ago. I read a lots of info about this from news paper today.
and, i get this from my prince's Hypebeast Blog..

Love, Hope
It’s been a year since the 512 Si Chuan earthquake, no matter where you are from, let us spend a moment, to remember those who have lost their lives, and pray for those who are alive for strength to keep them going…Where there’s love, there will be hope.

May those victims can recover soon. no matter is physically or spiritually...

Monday, May 11, 2009

To Miss Kam =)


Miss Kam Kam, you're now officially 19 years old already.
Please eat more, ok?? You're too small in size.
Later if blow away by wind then how??

Do remember each and every crazy yet funny memories between all of us ya ^___^

EPG love you =*


from now on,
everything between us

will back to origin...

how i wish the time could be stop...

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Firstly, I would like to thanks to Shynn so much for introduced SS501 to me. She knows that I like Korean and Japanese songs so much. *touched*

SS501, a South Korean Boyband which contains 5 boys that average aged 23 this year. I love their songs so much. Their voices and dance are so powerful and impress. Cool!

Recently, indulge in Deja Vu, U R Man, Snow Prince and many songs of them.

I like 김현중 Kim Hyun Joong(金賢重) who got casted on Boys Over Flowers the most. For me, he's so cute yet so hot!
p/s: last night went for Wesak parade with sis and bro. i think this is the 4th or 5th times i go for this event since I moved to kajang at 2002. =)
the Wesak parade is one of the biggest events here i think. we can see lots of people during this day every year. last night i met some JESS juniors and also my classmates. we spent almost 2 hours for this and my legs are achy. T_____T

Monday, May 4, 2009

Food n Book

we went for dinner at Sakaru Cafe and Cuisine yesterday.

i think no more second visit to there. know why?

i ordered a set of chicken chop, but it needed about 45 minutes to serve up! even bro and sis ordered the spaghetti bolognese, it also took almost 35minutes. grrr....

but really can't deny that the food there is not bad. i love the cendol. delicious~ ;)

after dinner, dad brought us to jusco.

i bought a new soft pilllow and ........

Twilight novel!!
yeah~ yeah~ i bought it from MPH bookstore and it costs rm35.50. millions thanks to mum that sponser me to buy this book.

gonna finish it as soon as possible~ i wanna watch the movie after i read this =)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

About today

Finally, I get My Beauty Diary Masks from Yeo yesterday. I never try this before but I get lots of good comments from friends and magazines. So, I'll try it first then do some sharing later.

4 different types, Aloe, Apple, Natto & Q10 masks. Still wondering use which first =)

* * * * *

Today, me, Ele, Co-cow and Lily went for an Economics talk at PPD. We left straight away during the lunch break at 12.30pm even the talk was actually ends at 4.30pm. No just us, those came with cars were went home too at that time. You can imagine how ''sucess'' was that talk...

Attended to this talk is really a stupid decision and I wasted my precious Saturday at there by listened to the lecturer talking nonsense! \( \___/ )/ At first we thought this talk is about teknik menjawab, thus we willing to attend it even need to pay for RM10, but it was just a su*** boring talk.

The lecturer explained on ''What is Micro-econs and Macro-econs'' '' How to get SS and DD graph'' and bla bla bla. Oh my god~ I was like *tut* when listened to all of that! Why I waste my time to listen to all of these that I understand already?? Even Mr. Kong explains it more intersting and clearly than him during the econs lessons. Haih~

We escaped from there and hanged around at Tesco. Girls' talk at KFC. Brought something from the market for our breakfast on Monday. Then dismissed at 4.30pm.

p/s : next time, i'll never attend to this kind of talk already.. stupid.. this make me bad mood for whole day...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Proud of him

Recently, my boy has updated his blog so fast. Too free?? xD With lots of articles about his vacation at different places and his works.

One of those posts is about this one.....

JJ received a letter from the President of Singapore! It's a letter about JJ's great performance during the inaugural President's Command Performance. I also not sure what kind of ceremony was that. =PNo matter what happened, dearest JJ, JMs proud of you! Just as Mr President‘s words, you're exactly the homegrown talent that Singaporeans can be proud of. 

You deserved this =)

** love him more n more ^^ **