Thursday, May 28, 2009

My exam weeks

Tadaima~ =) Hello my dearest bloggie~
After I have 'dumped' you for around 2 weeks time, I'm back now!

Actually I have nothing can updates. ==' But since that my blog is so quite in the past 2 weeks, I have to liven it up.

Basically, my past 2 weeks were filled with exams and tuitions only. Since teachers wanted all of us to put 100% concentration to our study, they stopped all the co-curriculum. Morning for exams, noon for tuitions, night for revisions. Even our parents also always remind us that not forget to study.

Study, study, study, study, study, study,study, study, study, study, study, study, study, STUDY!!!

This kind of life style is really enough for just last for a month. If not, I'll die because of boredom and stress. Everybody knows that STPM is one of the toughest exams in the world. Now, I really understand and clear about this already. Even study for it for a long time ago, but still we can't really answer those wtf questions correctly.

I'm sure that my Economics is die already. If I'm lucky, I may can pass the Mathematics paper. Then the Chinese paper, MUET paper, PA paper, all are............ hopeless ==" Sayonara, my dearest A's.

I wish the STPM can over faster. *yell* I HATE memorising those stupid facts! I HATE memorising those stupid rules! I HATE MEMORISING!! HATE! HATE! HATE!! T______T

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