Saturday, May 2, 2009

About today

Finally, I get My Beauty Diary Masks from Yeo yesterday. I never try this before but I get lots of good comments from friends and magazines. So, I'll try it first then do some sharing later.

4 different types, Aloe, Apple, Natto & Q10 masks. Still wondering use which first =)

* * * * *

Today, me, Ele, Co-cow and Lily went for an Economics talk at PPD. We left straight away during the lunch break at 12.30pm even the talk was actually ends at 4.30pm. No just us, those came with cars were went home too at that time. You can imagine how ''sucess'' was that talk...

Attended to this talk is really a stupid decision and I wasted my precious Saturday at there by listened to the lecturer talking nonsense! \( \___/ )/ At first we thought this talk is about teknik menjawab, thus we willing to attend it even need to pay for RM10, but it was just a su*** boring talk.

The lecturer explained on ''What is Micro-econs and Macro-econs'' '' How to get SS and DD graph'' and bla bla bla. Oh my god~ I was like *tut* when listened to all of that! Why I waste my time to listen to all of these that I understand already?? Even Mr. Kong explains it more intersting and clearly than him during the econs lessons. Haih~

We escaped from there and hanged around at Tesco. Girls' talk at KFC. Brought something from the market for our breakfast on Monday. Then dismissed at 4.30pm.

p/s : next time, i'll never attend to this kind of talk already.. stupid.. this make me bad mood for whole day...

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