Sunday, June 14, 2009

The camp

I took part in a 3 days 2 nights culture camp last week. It was my first time to join this kinda camp.
It's quite fun but sometimes the activities were........ boring =='

Since that this camp is a chinese-culture camp, of cause there're lots of activities arranged based on this point.
Even I'm a chinese, but I noticed that I only know a few about our own culture. =P *ashamed*
I've learnt a lot after this camp.

My group members consist From 1 till Form 6. The age range is so big. o_O
My group leader is only Form 4 this year. Me and my friend are the oldest out of them. T.T

This photo was took during our closing ceromony.

My group members all are so sporting and talkactive. Love them so much. ^^

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