Friday, June 5, 2009

My holiday plan

Now all the students are having their holiday now, include me. =)
Before our holiday started, were our exam weeks. My friends and I did planned lots of activities for our holidays.
But so sad, none of it works. All of us are busy. ='(

In my plan, I just have several things to do.

1. Watch all the anime and movies that I have lefted out. I borrowed my friend's hard disk. ^.^v
Code Geass
Bleach, The Movie
Vampire Knight
Tsubasa Shunraiki
Boys Over Flower
Slumdog Millionaire
and bla bla bla.

2. Then read all the books that I borrowed from the library and the new novels that sister bought.
New Moon
Breaking Dawn

Haih~ I haven't started read either one of these. Don't know what did I busy for the past few days... @___@

3. Ya~ I need to back to school for the Lower 6th Orientation meeting. Still have lots of things need to finish up.
The orientation will be held on 20th June. =)

4. And of course, never forget about my tuitionS.

* * * * *

I thought my plan can be run smooth. But so bad, my stupid pc don't know why can't sense the hard disk. So......
Code Geass
Bleach, The Movie
Vampire Knight
Tsubasa Shunraiki
Boys Over Flower
Slumdog Millionaire

noooo~~~~~~~ I really lazy to find all these by searching through the net. Somemore my home internet network is so lame. T_______T I give up. Don't want to watch those already.

The meeting for the orientation kept on cancelled and postponed. Comment-less on this. =="

For now, what really have been done ''successfully'' were, I attend my tuition as usual and my family and I went to Genting last Sunday. It's quite fun even there were seas of people that day. And an incident happened. Will do update on this soon.

Haih~ quite down when blog out all these. =.=''

Stop here. Ja-ne.

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