Saturday, February 7, 2009


Last year, JJ's first ever JFJ shop was opened at Singapore. The T that design by JJ, SMUDGE also first launching on that day.

There are 2 different types of SMUDGE T :
white one
and also the black one.
My prince wore this shirt during his 'Sixology' promo tour in Malaysia last year. .
Handsome~ *v*

I wanna buy this shirt, but, it costs around RM180 here!!
Ok~ Let me think of it first........
I never thought of the meaning of SMUDGE before this, I thought the meaning was just that, until I read an article from our FC forum.
JJ was one of the torch runners during the Olympic that held at Beijing last year. After that, he wrote a message :
很多人對我說,他們為我驕傲,謝謝他們的鼓勵。做到今天,我也可以休息個10分鐘,告訴自己 - 我做到了。
明天,我代表全世界華人音樂人傳遞心靈的聖火,讓我們繼續為華人音樂爭光,尊重音樂, 發揚光大。一個音樂人的付出,不是一兩個奬杯就能代表的。所有的努力和成績,他自己最清楚。謝謝支持我的朋友們從來不放棄。其他的, 希望你還是會支持好音樂。
跑晚火炬之後, 還有很長的路要跑,很多經典歌曲要寫,讓靈感的聖火永遠不熄滅!繼續下去!
Still Moving UnDer GunfirE…
Then, one more :
Charge towards your dream... Keep moving under gunfire...
Still Moving UnDer GunfirE
I love my talented prince more now~ ^.^v

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