Thursday, February 12, 2009

My ''admirer''

I get this picture from YJ's blog.
That fellow saved that page down and posted it on her blog. =='

See the title? * I mean to those know how to read chineses characters. *
Yup~ You are not having any eyes diseases. This one is 100% no faking, I swear I did not make that.
This page is about a blog that write to
My name is on it!!!! ( perhaps ;p )
I accidentally found this blog when I was tried to search my name from Google yesterday. Well~ Is normal to find one or person having the same name with us. But this time, I was really surprise when I saw this.
This blog is an online diary from a guy comes from China specially write to his ex-girl friend. He update his blog everyday and all are about his daily life activities and how he miss the girl so much. Obviously, his ex-girl friend is that lady which has the same name with me.
I don't where is she now and why they broke up. I'm kinda lazy to read those articles which he started to blog 224 days ago.
After I scanned through his blog, I was quite touched. But, I think of
''If this is for me, what will I do?"
My answer will be,
"Doing nothing."
I'm sure. Because I don't know how to respond to it.
Besides,I wanna tell that guy,
" Just forget her. Is useless to write all these, she won't read it. "

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