Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009 ^^

Time passes so fast and today is the last day of 2009! Few more hours to go & will come to the brand new year! So, this post will be the last post for this year. ^^

Wish the coming year everything will goes better. Still stay with those I loved.
I'll keep on moving and fighting until achieved my goal. ;))

Goodbye to 2009!

Welcome 2010!!

* this cute dog name Momo ^^ *

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

#jjlin 2

詞: 林怡鳳
曲: 林俊傑

話總說不清楚 該怎麼明瞭
舊帳總翻不完 誰無理取鬧

我們背對背擁抱 濫用沉默在咆哮
愛情來不及變老 葬送在烽火的玩笑
我們背對背擁抱 真話兜著圈子亂亂繞
只是想讓我知道 只是想讓你知道

我不要一直到 形同陌路變成自找
既然可以擁抱 就不要輕易放掉

Deeply moved by this boy's amazing voice. MV of this song is so...... Each and everytime I repeat the MV, the kissing + "bed" scenes really make me scream out loud from the bottom of my heart!!

But too bad, at last Mr.WayneLim is "dumped" by the girl! Never mind my dear, come to me now. xD

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Finally, JJ's 7th album, 100 Days is in my hand now!! WOOHOO ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Went to Leisure Mall to meet Jesmyn this afternoon to collect my album. Actually I can get it earlier, but I was annoyed by other stuffs. Thus, thanks a lot to Jesmyn who kept it for me.

The design of this album is more special compared to previous albums. So nice isn't it? :))
I love this foldable design so much.

The inner design of the booklet also great. Nice background + handsome JJ = awesome. ^^
This full page of acknowledge from my boy almost bring me to tears. JJ, JM will love you forever too. TvT

For this moment, I've repeated this album for Nth times already. Hoohoo~ Will blog more on this album soon. ;))

Monday, December 28, 2009

The 2nd year ;)

This year is the second year we celebrate Christmas at Pavilion. Same person, same cuisine, same pose, same place.

Outing with you guys is always awesome. Looking forward for the coming gathering.
Perhaps the members will become 4? ;))

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Movies :))

Hey my dear bloggie , I'm back. ^^
Flooded by lots of stuffs these days.

Lots of updates are coming on. About EPG's another thrilling outing, dinners, interviews, annoying study abroad stuffs.....

Long time didn't go for movie with family already. Thus last week we went for 2012 and Avatar.

Both of these movies are indeed nice movies. But still, I prefer Avatar more compared to 2012. Know why? Watch it yourself and you'll know. ;))

jj's 7th album is out now. but i still haven't get it yet. waiting waiting waiting~ :))

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is out now! ^^

What else special for today besides Mr.JJ Lin's latest MV is officially launching??

Notice from 3:10 and onwards, #jjlin is indeed so SS :))

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Waiting for 18.12.09 =)

Yes yes~ my STPM is "officially" comes to the end. Even there's still a very last paper on next Wednesday. ;)
Finally, full version of 100 Days is out. =) This song is indeed a super duper nice song. I love the lyric so much. When listening to it, my tears flowed in my eyes. This boy really can compose lots of touching songs.

词:姚若龙 曲:林俊杰

我 把爱铺成蓝天 让不安的妳 一抬头就看得见
我 把心烧成火焰 让怕黑的妳 拥着温暖入眠
我晓得 时间如雪 有时候会覆盖一切
但是真爱 一如倔强会重生的绿叶

第几个一百天 还是很有感觉
用眼睛去素描 妳内心的世界
第几个一百天 也像刚热恋
两个人手一牵 连命运都改变

在我的胸口 你就躺下来别说了
我也会拥抱妳安抚着体谅妳心疼着 Wooh ~Wooh~

第几个一百天 越来越有感觉
用眼睛去素描 妳内心的世界
管过多少一百天 也像刚热恋
两个人手一牵 连命运都改变
当守护变信念 连泪水都很甜

Just like what the lyric says, 第几个一百天 越来越有感觉... No matter after how many 100 or 1000 days, I'm still love him ;)

Friday, November 27, 2009

100 days

Another masterpiece from my prince --> 100 Days
Can't stop repeating this video. Angelic vocal, touching melody, nice lyric.

I'm so so so so missing him now. T______T

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The last 3 days :)))

Finally, STPM comes to the last three days!! Yippiiieeee ^^
The coming papers can be grouped as calculation paper. After that, I can burn all my books already.

Economics and Mathematics for this coming week. Fighting~ :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I'm here.

Nothing much about this post, just to procrastinate my study.

Because of the exam, my daily routine only contains books, papers and stationary. Everyday repeats the same things --> revision, eat and sleep. Damn stress wtf!

Will update about my graduation ceremony and my terrible pre-exam life most probably on next month.

p/s: I'm not dead yet, but is almost.

p/p/s: Chinese paper tomorrow, I'm so so dying.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Top 5 Treat List

I’ve really been through a hardwork when thinking of all these since I’ve lots of things want to buy/do to pamper myself.

1. Learn all kind of dance

When think of what I want the most, first thing comes to my mind is always this one. I love dancing since I was a little girl. Do you know how jealous am I everytime I see those agile dancers move their bodies with the music??

Even I requested this for so many times, but my mum never granted my wish. So I've decided right after my exam, I’ll definitely go and join the class.
Who know after all my hardworks on practicing, then one day in the future, I’ll have the chance to dance in a music video?? ;)

2. 3 months of holiday in Japan with family

Japan is always one of my dreamlands.My family and my friends know that how much I’m longing to go to Japan. I have promised to myself that, I'll definitely visit to Japan at least twice in 10 years time. I just simply love their food, culture, environment, technology, fashion and still have a lot to mention.

Good thing always need to share with loved ones. Vacation in Japan with family will be the blissfully happy moment in my life.

Language problem?? Heehee.. I've been self-learning how to read and write Hiragana and Katakana for a few years. *proud*

Besides, I do always stay tuned to anime and some Japan shows to learn how to pronounce and talk correctly too. Even I'm still can't speak so fluently, but I think I can handle some simple conversations. ;)

3. Attend to SS501's concert in Korea

Recently I'm so into these boys until I have abandoned my prince JJ so days already. *xD gomenasai*
Actually nothing special, I just simply want to be in Seoul and experience how popular are them there.

For some artists, their stage performances are always better in their homeland compared to in other countries. Maybe because of the culture or maybe because of the environment, I don't know.

But for my boys, their performances always the great no matter where are they. ^^v

4. Nikon DSLR

If I can travel to Japan or Korea, of cause I need to bring along a better quality camera with me. By snapping the beautiful sceneries, we can always remember those sweet memories and will never fade away.
A DSLR, is what my friend and I recently craving for.

5. Dell Inspiron 13

Last but not least, a Dell Inspiron 13 lappie!! Look at their beautiful appearances, I wish I can have all of it. ^^

I really need a new laptop for now. I need a laptop, do you understand how inconvenient for me who only have a desktop everytime there are some activities in school involve the use of laptop? I need a better quality and HD screen since I Youtube and watch DVDs so frequently. I need a suitable lappie is because of I'm going to take either interior design or multimedia course.

Dell Inspiron 13 has a wide screen with high definition display yet with it's light and wireless capability really suits my needs. With the HD graphic cards, I can always share photos and nice videos with all friends with the coolest true HD cinematic effects.

Even Dell Inspiron 13 is priced at a reasonable and affordable price, but for now I'm just a poor student. T_____T I do not have enough $$ to but this at this moment.

So, this is my Top 5 treat list. Wonder why I blogged out this for so sudden?

Nothing much, I took part in this contest. Wish me good luck. =)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Final final

STPM will start in 10 days time.
Everything seems like well-prepared yet nothing is done.

No matter what, I'll try to put as much info as i can into my brain and do my best in the exam.
I'm still moving under gunfire :))

Pray for me n wish me all the best ya~

After this frigging month, 5 months of sweet holidays are waiting for me. ^^

FIGHTING ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Friday, October 30, 2009

Love Like This ;)

Do you guys know how excited was I when I received the message said that the MV is out?
Can't hold to scream out when watching this HOT video.

Love their manly changes.
Love their outfits.
Love their sneakers.
Love their choreograph.
Love their singings.

Another breathtaking live performance from the boys.
No need to describe more on this. Watch it yourself ;)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Somebody stop me please :(

Blogging at the time which I supposed to be in school?
But, I did do self-study at home....... with cheezels and snickers ^^ ( = weightgained wtf ).

Currently can't stop listening to SS501's latest album, Rebirth.
And also keep on repeating video of their comeback stage performance at Inkigayo. As their flawless peformances before, the singing and dancing parts are damn great!! >v<

* KyuJong is so hot!! 5 of them've got a beautiful voice~ ^^ *

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

SS501 Rebirth

Pretty boys. Nice songs.

** They will release this mini album soon. I'm going to be so broke!! xD **

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Indulge in

Because of him, I love this song now.
JJ's voice is just too perfect!! Can't stop replay the clip again and again and again...

Can anyone please make it into MP3??

Friday, October 9, 2009

I miss my boy :'(

Well~ the street party concert is over now.
Since I cann't attended to the party that day, so now I just sit in front of my computer and watch the videos that recorded by JMs.

Our SS King is really deserves for this title. No matter was during the rehearsel or the actual performance, he's really enjoy himself and behave like a mischief boy. >v<
That night was really a blast. JJ's performance was so nice + cool + handsome + sweet + bla bla bla and this made me damn "gek dong" till want to cry out!


Thanks to Beatrice for sent me this medicine. But, actually is useless to me. xD
I think I'm not the only one who needs this.
Every JM is suffer from JJ Syndrome now.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Still moving under gunfire =)

Just ended a terrible week of STPM Trial. I just slept for 12 hours in total of 5 days wtf.

But thanks God, due to PMR students take over our classrooms during their exam period, so this coming week will be a short break time for us.
The week after next will be just left 2 more papers to go. Phew~

Currently I'm watching Queen Of No Marriage. Crazy-ing over this drama. xD
It's really distracting until I can't concentrate on my study.
Got to finish it asap.

MUET Speaking will be 2 days after.
I definitely gonna score higher than the previous test!!
Wish me luck. ;)

I'm Still MovinG UnDer GunfirE. =)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sitting for my STPM trial now.
Lots of works gonna be done and revised.
No more blogging for this period.
But will still continue twitter-ing.
Wish me good luck.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

The WTF Punishment

As what I had tweeted before, I lose in a game during EPG lunch gathering on 09.09.09.

That afternoon, 7 of us went to a nearby restaurant and had a small lunch + talking gathering. Ya~ we had a wonderful afternoon that day. Pointless topics + lame jokes.

Few hours later, 7un and Chee went back. Because of Ele’s mum was late, so me, Bun, Apple and Lily were accompanied her until her mum reached there.

While waiting, Lily took this and out and we played it to kill time.

Oh god. We shouldn't started this game. After ran for 2 rounds, Lily said that this game is really pointless with no punishment to the loser. So, we agreed to her that we'll set a punishment to the person lose in the last round.
After we set the punishment, all of us became damn nervous during the game! Me and Bun shivered the most everytime we touched the stupid UNO!!
Me =)
Bun ;)
Ele ^^
the stu-organiser, Lily *v*
and one more person, Apple. Sorry for don't have her photo~ *v*
Till the end, after all of us struggled for so many times, I lose!! T____________T I was like "Huh??! WT*? I lose...?? NOOOOO~~~~~"
When I reached home, the stupid 4 were kept on sms me and warned me never try to skip class on the next day. =="
* * * * * * * *
Here's a short clip about that day. Recorded by Apple. Curious what happened to me? Heehee~ watch it if you really want to know.
But beware, before you click it, make sure you are above 18.

Friday, September 11, 2009

SS Solo Collection album,I want it!!

Oh gosh~ I just hope that I can stop listening to their songs for just even a minute!
My trial exam is just around the corner and I keep on repeating their songs. This is really distracting man!!
Sigh...... @_____@ *die die die*

김규종 Kim Kyu Jong - Wuss Up
김현중 Kim Hyun Joong - 제발 잘해줘 (Please Be Nice To Me)
김형준 Kim Hyung Jun - Hey G
허영생 Heo Young Saeng- 이름없는 기억 (Nameless Memory)
박정민 Park Jung Min - 하면은 안돼 (If You Can Not)

*Video credit to
shirbogurl21 =)

Never ask which song is the best, because all these are soooooooo nice.
But seriously, for their make up, I don't like the eyes liners. It makes them look so weird man... =="

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

If You Can Not [하면은 안돼]

Really can't deny that Park Jung Min not only has a pretty face, he does also having a nice voice!

If You Can Not is a collaboration between this SS501's sexy charisma boy and pretty girl Jisun.
Both of their live performance is really great!

Come back again, but dont lie to me
Dont leave, I cant say that to you
Though like a fool, I cant continue to wait for you

Dont ever say words like please go
Please dont go far Please dont go far
So that I am able to find you
Please dont go far Please dont go far
I cant see you
Please dont leave me Dont leave me
Promise me, I beg of you

Dont be further and further away from me
If you must leave, dont tell me
Though like a fool, I cant forget you just like that

The view of you turning around, I definitely dont want to see that
Please dont go far Please dont go far
So that I am able to find you
Please dont go far Please dont go far
I cant see you
I cant send you away like this
Cant send you away Come back to me
Please Please Dont leave me
Dont leave Promise me, please

English Translations by xiaochu @

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3rd YouthBox Music Award

The voting for the 3rd YouthBox Music Award is running now.

Everyone, click here to vote for JJ Lin
ya! :)
It's just takes you a minute to vote~ ^^

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

SS501 in Malaysia!

Oh my God! After all their fans waiting for a long time, finally, SS501 is here!

If I'm not mistaken, 31.8.09 they are in Malaysia already. *please correct me if i'm wrongly stated the date* But they will arrive at KL by tomorrow (3.9.2009).

I'm just too excited when know that they will be stopping by to meet their fans here! They will be having an autograph section this Thursday at PJ!!

Here is it:

Date: September 3rd, 2009
Time: 6pm
Venue: One World Hotel ,Bandar Utama,Petaling Jaya, Jasmine & Orchid Room,Level C

SS501 fans that will be going there are planning to wear black tee with this nice green tags.

* this tag is so nice isn't it? but before i order, the tag order is closed... yerr~~ T_________T *

I really want to go, but too bad is, I've no transport to there!!!! *scream in heart*
I hope that they can stay for few days after the autograph, but unlucky they won't be stay here and will be heading back to Korea right after the event.

After this time, I wonder when will they come again... Perhaps when promote their world tour concert in Malaysia >.^

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Recently I just hang around at my twitter and plurk, thus become lazy to update my blog already xD

Well, school holiday is just over. Trial is coming real soon but I still in holiday mood. =="

In that holiday week, I just went out for my tuition classes and to uncle's house, others time, just stay at home. xP

Even I stayed at home, but I didn't really did my revisions properly. I just read a few pages of my micro and macro-econs at the first few days of the holiday, then, the end of the story.
* ahh~~ how to sit for the exams??!!! >< *

Actually I really want to study hard, ok? But just...... sigh~
Tell me where I can buy the medicine to cure my laziness please.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The 4th year

Today, 27.8.2009, is the 4th aniversary of JJFC(M)!
*Thanks to other JMs, if not, I really forget about this important date.*

So now, I would like to post a few words here and wish JJFC(M) happy birthday~

Time really passes so fast, it have been 4 years already since I joined JJFC(M), and still counting.
4 years, it's really a long period.
I've been an official JM for 4 years already.

In this 4 years, I've made lots of JM friends.
Because of our dearest JJ boy, JJFC(M) is here.
JMs have the chance to meet and be friends with each other.
Go out for JJ's activities in Malaysia together. Go for JJFC annual gathering. SS together on our JJFC forum. Run activities together. Shout out our feelings. Share our daily life.

I'm proud to be a JM. Also as a member of JJFC.
Never regret joining JJFC and have fun with all the JMs.

Hope we'll have another 4 years and another.
May JJFC will keep on accompany all of us in the future~ ^^
Let's keep on support our JJ boy.
Support his music. Support his movie. Support all his achievements.

so again,
p/s : not just JMs , even our JJ also give us his wish through his Twitter. So touch le~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For those in Taiwan

Another disaster happening in Taiwan..
It's really terrible..

Lets pray for them.
Hope them can overcome all these sorrows soon.

Love and Hope, always there...

Friday, August 14, 2009



Changed my blogskin to this.

Spent about an hour to do this. xD

Likes the colour so much~
So nice is it??


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Because of IT

Since the H1N1 flu becomes more and more serious, my school provides masks for all the teachers and students. *so rich~*
But just for one day, then everyone needs to buy it themselves. =="

Actually we really refused to wear it.
Can you imagine that how hard to breathe and talk after put this on your face??
Everybody was complaining the same things ---> hard to talk, hard to breathe, hard to drink.

So, apparently, most of us just hanged the masks on the bottles or just put it in bags. xP
We just put it on during our MUET lesson (cause MUET teacher 's is our Form teacher and she's really ....... ==" we'll be in big trouble if she caught us not wearing it properly)

As usual, takes photo everywhere, everytime.. ^^
* we look really funny in those masks >o< *