Wednesday, December 30, 2009

#jjlin 2

詞: 林怡鳳
曲: 林俊傑

話總說不清楚 該怎麼明瞭
舊帳總翻不完 誰無理取鬧

我們背對背擁抱 濫用沉默在咆哮
愛情來不及變老 葬送在烽火的玩笑
我們背對背擁抱 真話兜著圈子亂亂繞
只是想讓我知道 只是想讓你知道

我不要一直到 形同陌路變成自找
既然可以擁抱 就不要輕易放掉

Deeply moved by this boy's amazing voice. MV of this song is so...... Each and everytime I repeat the MV, the kissing + "bed" scenes really make me scream out loud from the bottom of my heart!!

But too bad, at last Mr.WayneLim is "dumped" by the girl! Never mind my dear, come to me now. xD

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