Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Top 5 Treat List

I’ve really been through a hardwork when thinking of all these since I’ve lots of things want to buy/do to pamper myself.

1. Learn all kind of dance

When think of what I want the most, first thing comes to my mind is always this one. I love dancing since I was a little girl. Do you know how jealous am I everytime I see those agile dancers move their bodies with the music??

Even I requested this for so many times, but my mum never granted my wish. So I've decided right after my exam, I’ll definitely go and join the class.
Who know after all my hardworks on practicing, then one day in the future, I’ll have the chance to dance in a music video?? ;)

2. 3 months of holiday in Japan with family

Japan is always one of my dreamlands.My family and my friends know that how much I’m longing to go to Japan. I have promised to myself that, I'll definitely visit to Japan at least twice in 10 years time. I just simply love their food, culture, environment, technology, fashion and still have a lot to mention.

Good thing always need to share with loved ones. Vacation in Japan with family will be the blissfully happy moment in my life.

Language problem?? Heehee.. I've been self-learning how to read and write Hiragana and Katakana for a few years. *proud*

Besides, I do always stay tuned to anime and some Japan shows to learn how to pronounce and talk correctly too. Even I'm still can't speak so fluently, but I think I can handle some simple conversations. ;)

3. Attend to SS501's concert in Korea

Recently I'm so into these boys until I have abandoned my prince JJ so days already. *xD gomenasai*
Actually nothing special, I just simply want to be in Seoul and experience how popular are them there.

For some artists, their stage performances are always better in their homeland compared to in other countries. Maybe because of the culture or maybe because of the environment, I don't know.

But for my boys, their performances always the great no matter where are they. ^^v

4. Nikon DSLR

If I can travel to Japan or Korea, of cause I need to bring along a better quality camera with me. By snapping the beautiful sceneries, we can always remember those sweet memories and will never fade away.
A DSLR, is what my friend and I recently craving for.

5. Dell Inspiron 13

Last but not least, a Dell Inspiron 13 lappie!! Look at their beautiful appearances, I wish I can have all of it. ^^

I really need a new laptop for now. I need a laptop, do you understand how inconvenient for me who only have a desktop everytime there are some activities in school involve the use of laptop? I need a better quality and HD screen since I Youtube and watch DVDs so frequently. I need a suitable lappie is because of I'm going to take either interior design or multimedia course.

Dell Inspiron 13 has a wide screen with high definition display yet with it's light and wireless capability really suits my needs. With the HD graphic cards, I can always share photos and nice videos with all friends with the coolest true HD cinematic effects.

Even Dell Inspiron 13 is priced at a reasonable and affordable price, but for now I'm just a poor student. T_____T I do not have enough $$ to but this at this moment.

So, this is my Top 5 treat list. Wonder why I blogged out this for so sudden?

Nothing much, I took part in this contest. Wish me good luck. =)

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