Monday, July 1, 2013

Hi Narita, Japan!

Wanna blog out so much about my Jenesys 2.0 but it has too many things to talk about until I have no idea how should I separate / entitled my posts. So I just blog out whatever come to my mind when I'm typing. It might be unorganized but at least I can talk on this.

Our departure day was 22 June at 2355 with JAL. Total 36 representatives from Malaysia including me were waiting sharply at KLIA for simple briefing and got on board.
Asher and me in the flight. The only two represented USM. Met him for the second time and straight away went oversea with him LOL and thanks God now we are buddy!

We traveled to Japan with Japan AirLines and it's superb! Like everything in it including the flight information. Weather, degree celcius, distance, time and everything are stated so detailed. I even watched Michael Jackson's This Is It concert in the flight.

 My first ever meal within Japan's boundary, I mean including the sky hahahaha. Yummylicious breakfast at 430am in Japan time which was 2 hours before we arrived at Narita.

After we arrived at Hotel Nikko Narita at around 9am, we were given recess time until 1.45pm before the orientation started.
The instructors briefed us the program, the schedule of the whole event and separated us into different groups. Our first lecture there was about what to do during earthquake since Japan has earthquake almost everyday. I might be stupid to say this but I did expect to experience the 0 ~ 1 level earthquake but there was nothing happened through out the whole program LOL.

Each of us got one of this during the program. Earphone for us to easy listen to our instructors and they no need to shout over the places to inform / talk to us. Like this convenient device! :D

The handout and a small handbook of basic Japanese conversation LOL. But I bet many of us ignored the small booklets due to our Japanese instructors all speaks well in English. I don't need it either cause I'm Japanese Language student buahahahaha

Malaysian representatives in Gifu Team B. Sham from UMK with me and Asher from USM.
Every 36 participants from 10 different countries had been separated into 12 groups and 3 of us are the Malaysian in Gifu team. Group's name was given according to the local place we will be visited to. Next post on Gifu!

Photo of Malaysians in Gifu Team outside of our first stayed hotel. 3 from Gifu Team A and 3 from Gifu Team B.

Without any delayed, many of us hopped on to the bus outside the hotel and started the self-exploration after dinner.
Paid 200yen for the bus and arrived at the AEON shopping mall. Bought nothing but tried on the ice-cream vending machine wtf. Had been longing to try it and finally I did. Tried the 150yen cheese flavoured ice-cream and it was daebak!!

Here is the simple routine of the very first day. All the photos are taken with my baby Samsung NX1000 and it was just too bad that the wifi function was spoiled that time and I couldn't upload my photos from time to time.

More to come. Stay tuned!


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