Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just some scribble for pre-J2.0

As for me, the very first time in my life to go so farrrrr away from my home country without my family, yes, I was nervous. Everything was seems so unreal to me until I got my passport and flight ticket, I was like "Oh yea, I'm departing for Japan real soon!" 

Travel / study in Japan is always my dream since I was young. Thanks to the anime effect. It's successfully playing one of roles to attract people into Japan. Speaking of Japan, I'm just simply love is their language. Learning it in my own through TV, songs and books. 

As I'm graduating soon, I thought I would never have the chance to be at oversea as a student for any programs. The day when Japanese sensei called me and briefed me about this program, and then parents agreed that I can join, followed by submission of everything and got the official reply email. Everything just happened like that. I thought I would be so damn freaking excited or nervous, but in fact I was like didn't think too much on it (may be because that time was busy for exam) and my mood was just calm and steady wtf.

My preparation for this program is, I revised all my 4 levels of Japanese again!Heehee nothing special but just in case I can't find someone to help me to translate. Plus I wish to know how's my speaking level when I'm out of classroom. And also went to bookshop to bought postcards as for gift and also material for introducing Malaysia.

After everything was settled, the last thing I need to do was keep myself healthy so that I won't get banned to abroad! 


Monday, June 24, 2013

Jenesys 2.0 スタート!

Was supposed to post this up two days before but seriously no time and energy to turn my laptop on. At the same time, I was also thinking that...... how should I started this?

Yes! I'm being selected by JICE to follow the ten days programme in Japan! Wooohuuuuuuuuuuu~ (My excitement just can't describe it out by only words.) Everything was just so unreal to me until I got my passport and flight ticket in my hand. Lotsa things I would wanna share it here but is not this post. Gonna go through all the ABCDEFG preparation in my next post.

So now, ya, I'm sitting in one of the hotel in Gifu, Japan to get this post done. Is my third day here and everything is going on well. Met lotsa people from different countries, tasted Japan's food and experiencing some Japan local cultural. 

As one of the participants, here is my duty to spread and share everything I experienced here. Listed my first three days' schedule briefly in my note and hope to get tome to get my post done asap. :)

We took Japan Airline from KLIA to Narita Airport. 6 out of 5 stars ranked from me to this airline for the service and food.

My teammates. 3 of us from Malaysia out of 30 people in a small group.
シンマンです。マレシアからきました。よるしくね ^^

Have the feeling that "Owh my Japanese is actually not bad" after these days' activities LOL.
Talk more on this next time. Is time to bed and be prepared for another long day tomorrow.

Till then.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

娃娃说 :)

Finally it's up!

Have been waiting for the live version of our dancing performance on 11th May. Friends did recorded it but too bad no time and no fate to get the copy for them.

So now, the official DVD is out! While waiting for my copy, watched it from Youtube to check on our performance on that night!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


So that's all for my 3 years' degree study at USM. Papa and mama went here to pick me and my tons of luggages back home.

Went for my last exam paper in the afternoon and then rush back home right after I ended my paper.

Complicated feelings in my stomach. Don't know what and how to express out. Excited? Sad? Shall I cry or not? Emo? Don't know.
Shall wait until I blog the next post to clarified this.

Goodbye USM. Goodbye Penang. Goodbye my degree life. I have a wonderful three years time on the island. :')

Now, I'm facing another problem. Which most probably my major cause that makes me mood-less to blog.

How am I going to unpack all my things?!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A day in Georgetown

Ok this is a sudden plan when hanged out with Paris girl for supper a day before. Can't really remember what topic we talked on then we decided to walk around the Georgetown the next day wtf

So the next day after I settled my stuffies in the morning, we took bus and started our walk-athon in town. :D

It was a lovely sunny day. Perfect weather for outdoor activity and photo snapping! 
And, I got 30% more tanned after the day.

Our first stop was at Penang Times Square centre. Passed by the Thai Food Fair stalls but for me it was just fine. Seriously just passing by and went for PanMee lunch hahaha

Forever my love~

After food break, we walked around in town. Searching for the famous wall painting, old and unique buildings. Penang is definitely a nice place to explore. For the "explore" meaning I always means go see it with your own eyes and walk by your own legs. Is really pointless if you only google and view it through lappie / super advance smartphone.

Even it's not the first time I visit those places, but always as excited as a first-vidit tourist. ^^

Inside of 14 Living shop. Perfect photo background for tourists.

Outside of the shop and taken by a tourist-photographer-look guy. Super like this photo. 
Is my curect desktop wallpaper teehee~

The children and bike mural.

Lucky us turned at a corner and found this giant cat's wall painting before we started looking for it

Le dancing mouse.

Cute kittens mural paint.

Even the tree also in artistic formed.

Nostalgic themed museum. Entrance fees needed so we just hanged outside.

A random photo with Donnie in fact we went for After Earth movie. 5 stars ranked for the movie.
Indeed a must-watch!

Nothing to do while walking we tried the popular holding-hand photo.
Super wrong feeling wtf. Sorry it is a BIG failure muahahaha

Tea time break at Twelve Cups. Had a rest in air-cond room and ate a Tiramisu cake.
Me just can't say no to those lovely cakes!

Seahorse on the ground. 

7pm sky at the bus station near the jetty.

Ended our day at around 8pm. Waited forever for bus back to USM. GG faces..

There are more photos for the day. Too many to share here so I just stuck everything in my Facebook's album.

It was a nice day to hang out with my bestie. Student life in USM is going to end soon. Gonna miss every single moment spent here with everybody I have had met.

Ok that's all chilla bubye!


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Welcome June!

I'm writing this in the first hour of June 2013! Passed 12am now yet I am still don't feel like wanna go to bed yet.

Spent my last day afternoon of May 2013 in dancing room. Again. Had been stopping from exercise regularly since 2 weeks ago after WenYu performance ended.

Seldom stretch and sweats make me feel my body is getting so damn rusty. Thus, I went there and had the whole room for myself like a VIP.

Dancing always makes me feel great! ^^

Had my nice time until 6pm and rush back to room to prepare for dinner date. Korean teacher invited us, the Gala dance team to her house for Korean style dinner. As her appreciation towards us for the performance. Nice teacher, nice food, nice night. :)

Just done packing my bags and will be leaving here for home later. Heehee~ It's always great to back home. Even I made this decision only few hours ago.

Set my alarm clock at 6:20am. Plan to have a nice breakfast alone before depart.
Happy holiday!
