Monday, May 27, 2013

Life after FYP

Back to 2 weeks ago, my life here still filled with tons of things. Preparations for my Final Year Project which included endless discussions, meetings, editing and bla bla blahh. At that same time, also busy for our final exhibition, Impact Week. And also there were time I almost need to split myself into 3 to prepare for dance performance.

That time so busy + stressful + tired to a max but still I enjoyed it a lot weird huh LOL

Now, after all those wrapped up nice and sound. I was like . . . . . . . .

No more meeting. No more discussion. No more annoying FB messages and phone calls. No more editing. No more runner job. No more rushing. No more pek chek.

Life is back to peace and quite and...... BORING! Well, most probably I had those love-to-be-busy-bitchy gene inside me hahaha. Slept for a whole day a day after all the events and the second day already got the emptiness feel wtf. What to do while my family is so far away from me and I have no boyfriend.

That's why not to let myself going crazy by only staying in my tiny little room and facing pointless FB, so I went for lotsa outing with friends! When I say outing, it always means eating and chit-chating LOL

Until today I forgot I had how many (food) gathering already. One thing for sure is that I really had nice sweet time with my friends. May be is because we are going to graduate soon. Sigh...

One of the favourite gathering spot, dessert house!

 Did I mentioned how much I love peanut paste?

 Watched Start Trek and Fast & Furious 6 within a day. 

Yummilicious cakes' date at China House, Penang. The taste is great as well as the price is high.
Midnight crazy chit chat at McDonalds, Green Lane Penang.
Daorea dinner date with dance mates batch 2011/2012.
Girls gathering at Georgetown area. Late celebration for our Gala Night K-Pop dance performance.

Here are just part of my super enjoying weeks. Feel blessed and happy when recalled everything but at the same time I feel pity and wanna cry for my slimmer purse.. 

 Till then. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

T-Beats Production :)

Yes they are my group mates. My team for my final year project. 
Funny, nice, aggressive, clumsy, neat, blur and bla bla bla.
Together, we done presentations, proposals, 2 radio programs, a short PSA and a documentary.
Time be with them I had learn a lot. 
We discussed, we talked, we fight, we angry, we laugh, we bluff, we eat....
Lotsa things did together, tons of photos and memories we created.


All I wanna say is just Thank you! Seriously cherish every moment to be with you all.
Even our damn hard works seems not getting in return by not getting any awards LOL
But I'm confirmed you all did the best~
Let's work hard for our future and shine bright at our own ways!

* *

And also wanna say good job and cheer up to myself. 
Like mama said, failure is common. Improve and move on. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Eden of Fantasy

So, here comes the end of my final dance performance in USM. :') The goodbye stage for me o wrap up my performing life in the island.

Every year this big show from Persatuan TiongHua has become one fo my must-join stage in USM. A nice place for me to collaborate with all the peeps who love performing. People from same circle of craziness never failed to color my stressful life here.

This year the theme is Eden of Fantasy. Is platform for performers to show the creativeness on our dreams. Hahaha but these are what we dream of...

Funny, simple but sometimes is really hard to make these come true.

This time my team has 7 people yet 6 of us are the final year students. So you can imagine how we feel towards our final stage here. This time we tried something special and different. At least the dance we picked was something new to us. :)

Me and my dance crew, Dolly Swag-girls!

This time I was really enjoyed the stage. Not to say not nervous at all but is 90% of excitement + 6% of anticipation + 4% of nervousness. Our crew was faced lotsa obstacles before what we shown on the stage. But thanks to the passionate and the spirit towards dancing, we made it with flying colors.

After this, it might be a long pause for me to continue in this field. When think of that's all about myy threee years here just can't stop feeling emo. Friends even tearing when talk about this. Touch, happy and the feeling of not willing to be apart.
But I promised to myself that this won't be the end for me. I love dance and I love the stage. Counting down to my comeback stage heehee~

* * * *

I love you all my dance-mates!

Monday, May 6, 2013

General Election 2013

Purposely fly back home for my first ever voting in my life. As an adult Malaysian. As a University student who loves my country. :)

Put on yellow shirt before went to the voting place to show our concern and hope for our country. Done my voting accordingly. We voted not for any other purpose, but just simply want a better future for us.

But seems like the results are disappointing. Not about win or lose purpose, it the process taken and the intentions behind it.
Sad. Disappointed. Frustrated. Some more with the supporters who gave big big Like to all those thingy. Double the sad, disappointment and frustration.