Saturday, April 21, 2012

:: Checklist ::

had been crazily incredibly insanely busy for the past few days.
*this causing me fall sick-ing*
i even wonder that did i even got 40 hours of total sleep wtf 

ambiguous drawing
a1 paper-sized shapes drawing
speaking text drawing
3rd rehearsal for WenYu
origami event hosting
a3 paper-sized portrait drawing
comm & cultural presentation
japanese listening test 
contemporary dance's tshirt design
choreograph for modern dance
yukata event hosting
dance group agm
japanese language society agm

 God, my works list is like never gonna end.
so damn tired physically and mentally.
but still, i'm enjoying my life.

good luck to me!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

:: 150412 ::

I'm back.
After one week of not-so-relax semester break at home.
Mentally prepared for my coming busy weeks.

luckily my room ain't too big. is enough to make me crazy tidying up.

Going to start my
2nd part of 2nd semester of my 2nd year study.

Cheers to myself!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

:: That's the break ::

Didn't really went out for parties / chit-chat / shopping during my break.
Assignments makes me moodless yet friends were busy for other stuffs.

Practically just hanged out with family.
Sweet yet nice time indeed.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

:: He's 8 years old ^^ ::

Happy belated 8th birthday to my naughty monkey cousin~

met him few days after his birthday,
the first sentence pop out was
"Da jie, where is my present?
Gor gor got his already~"

oh god, he wants to meet the present more than me.
as a small punishment for this,
i did made fun of him before gave away the present~


Saturday, April 7, 2012

:: R.I.P. my sem break ::

Today is the first day of USM official semester break.
Started from Thursday, I saw many students already went back home with their big luggage and happy smile.
*jealous-nya T^T*

Too bad I'm not one of them.
Gotta stay here until 7th April to go back home.
Nothing special, just for assignments' sake. -___-

Too many works. Too little time.
My semester break is official ended before it starts! =(

Planned something for my sem break :D
1. Done assignments *priority wtf!*
2. Interview for internship
3. Day out with my EPG
4. Date with my JESS sweeties
5. Gathering with family <3


Dear everyone,
Happy holiday! ^^

Even life isn't going too smoothly,
but still,
gotta keep moving on and face it with big big smile. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

:: ='] ::







Monday, April 2, 2012

:: 4th month of 2012 ::

Hi April! ^^

Time flies, my March just come and go at the very fast speed.
So far, March'12 is my busiest month.
*Basically 95% was about dance & performances :P*

Speak of my last week of March, for the first time in my life I completed 3 shows within 7 days!
You can imagine how I passed the week without proper normal human being's lifestyle.

24/3/2012 - Saturday - Sunny

Our dance group from USM main campus did a small cross-over with dance group from USM engineering campus. Nice time to spend with the funny guys from there.
Funny point : ladies are from main campus, gentleman are from engineering campus. xD


28/3/2012 - Wednesday - Warm

Dance group's flashmob II was in the house!
This time we collaborated with Hotlink in the conjunction of their latest plan promotion. 6 minutes of performance with 50 dancers in USM. Tiring preparation but proudly announce that we completed it successfully and nicely.
Yet, glad to hear our dancers enjoyed it and the representative from Hotlink also satisfied with our performance! ^^


31/3/2012 - Saturday - Cloudy

This time, I no longer a senior dancer from dance group, but performed as a dancer from School of Communication.
Our seniors held a concert as their final year project and we were one of the concert's performers.
This time my teammates were JiaYing, Shabi and Crisnee.
Fresh yet nice combination. :D
Was kinda nervous during this show due to have lotsa outsiders, media, reporters, friends and lecturers sitting down there.
Plus we prepared it in short time due to our busy timetable. But thanks God, our performance ended smoothly. ^^


So that's how I spent my last week of March. Still feeling tired when recalls all these.
Looking forward for my April'12~
waiting for more challenges & in-expectations ^^