Thursday, November 4, 2010

♪ Hi Nov! Hi study week!

Really can't believe that is already November now. Time always runs so fast without any notification =P

First week of November is out study week. Since I want to really concentrate on my revision, I've chosen not going back home and staying in Penang. But I don't think I made a good decision.

Even staying at here all alone, I still totally moodless to study. Flipping through the notes and checking the slides, but nothing goes in my brain.
Plus, Facebook and Twitter occupy my day wtf! Self-discipline needed!!!

Final just few more days to go but I have got nothing inside my brain. I'm dying soon xP

* * * * *

Song of the day~ Picture Of You 노을..바라보다

This song is so so nice and touching. Keep on replaying the song in my playlist. The lyric is written by Xiah Junsu ♥

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