Friday, October 8, 2010

♪ My Week

Is 2340 right now and I'm updating my blog =) all of a sudden feel like want to do some updates even now I'm so damn sleepy. So, shall just cut the crap and talk on my busy 13th week in USM~

1. Went for an interaction camp under Kung Fu Club in the past weekends. It was a quite fun camp since it was totally ran by students. No stupid hectic activities or talks. Just simply games through out the two days. Met with some funny seniors and enjoyed the days there.

One nice thing in this camp is there have public toilets! How greatful when we knew this and the toilets there are so clean. The toilet issue always the most annoying thing when we attend to a camp.

Nice cold river~ We were then got drenced due to seniors splashed water to us. =P

2. Right after the day came back, there was a presentation waiting for me. We were so damn nervous before the tutorial class started since the lecturer was famed by his strict-ness. Our heartbeats were like reached 300 before it.

Cool? We used this photo as our ending slide for our presentation. Evident of our hardworking~

Thanks God. At last our presentation was passed well and we got a "Good" from our lecturer. One bad thing was just we need to correct our final report. ;)

3. My second presentation of the week, But this presentation was hundred times easier compared to the previous ones. This is because of the lecturer is so damn l*zy. When we just started with introduction, he asked us to make conclusion. Thus our presentation ended in 5 minutes.

Both of us never memorised the points and just read from the script, since we knew the lecturer won't care about this.

When we doing the presentation, lecturer was busy with his SMS.... Even we were skipping some important points he also never noticed.

4. My first ever "Open-book test" was for Art test. Questions on the slides, books were widely opened in front of me. But, answers were nowhere to find.
Still, feel kind of weird when we can actually refer to the reference books during the test. =P So this is also one of the specialities study in University compared schools?

5. On the same day, went out with friends and had a relaxing outing. Accompanied friend to buy clothes for an open beauty contest then went to sing K.
Since moved to here I have not enter K room for almost 4 months. Thus we booked a room and sang from 11pm until 3am.
Even I told my roommate that I went for sing K, but the next morning when i woke up, she asked whether I changed my plan and went for clubbing since I came back too late. =P

Camwhoring in toilet is always a must no matter where we go =)

* * * * *

Well, shall stop here since have been typing too long. Hope my next update won't be taking weeks to do.
Is already passed 12am now. Time to bed ;)

Chiao~ ^^

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