Thursday, September 30, 2010

♪ My September!

Well I know, I have abandoned my bloggie for almost a month. Due to my buziness and my laziness. =P Thus, I'm using my time in McDonald's now which supposed to rush for my assignment to revive my blog. ^^

Time flies so fast. Is already the last day of September and I've been staying here for 3 months already. Everything still runs smooth and colorful. I'm still enjoying my life here. =)

My month is kinda colorful yet dull can die....

1. 2 weeks of Sem break at the early of September. Of cause I went back home and had totally enjoyed my holiday. =) Mum and Dad did celebrated the Mooncake Festival earlier and got an awesome party at the night before I came back to USM.

2. I was totally haunted by assignments and tests right after I backed to USM. Presentations also non-stopped going on. I was so damn stress in these two weeks and homesick so much. =( But now most of it had become passed already and my mood swing also had been corrected.

3. I celebrated my first ever "lonely" monncake festival in my life here. First time without family beside me during this big day. Thus I went out to celebrate with my new bunch of friends. We bought tanglung, candles and mooncake then celebrated at the garden near our hostel. As usual, we played crazily and totally out of the image of a university student. =P

This post is going to be my so messy + pointless post. =P Shall continue my works now.
There will be lots of interesting posts from me soon.


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