Tuesday, April 28, 2009


we are friends

just wanna let you know that

we are always there for you, ok?

love you =)

** never give up easily, my dear....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

MUET.. die

Today, 25.4.2009, our MUET day. One word can conclude the day .........


so sorry~ puan choy ToT

First paper ===> Reading

emm... this part was quite ok for me.. because it's only with MCQs. but have no idea that I circle the correst answers or not.. T___T

Second paper ===> Writing

arrr! the part is a disaster T___T this paper contains 2 parts. first part came out with 2 graphs and asked us to describe it. oh gosh.. even during the practises in class with a graph, i did it until fainted.. now with 2 graphs... I can't remember what I wrote on the paper..

then the second part is the continuous writing.. asked us to write ICT and social ills.. I just able to give 2 points. because was out of time already.. *knocking head to the wall*

Third paper ===> Listening

hmp! this section is the section we hate the most. the invigilator brought a very low quality player. even the volume had turned to the maximum, we also can't listened it clearly. TUT~ ( \__/ ) thus, we, the 25 candidates in that room, moved our tables forward, close all the windows and doors, turn off the fans and still can hardly listened to it.
and when we walked the class, we noticed that, other classes also having the same problem. arrrrrrr~~~~~ i want to complaint!!! *wailing*

p/s: after the test, we make a decision. lets retake MUET again in November~ =)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


There are some special ''occasions'' within this month and next month as well.

Let's countdown together......

MUET writing, reading & listening test

MUET speaking test

19.5.2009 ~ 27.5.2009
School mid-year exam

tests and tests and tests.... insane endless tests & exams!!
and at the same time we need to finish up the works for our book and start prepare for the promo.

I almost fainted when I write out all these things.
what the *tut*

\ (ToT) /

Monday, April 20, 2009


I become lazier and lazier to update my blog. T___T
One is because of have nothing to update, second is I have lots of things want to update my blog.

Recently I'm really busy with school's stuffs. Almost everyday need to stay after to follow up our works.

Despite those ''technical problems'', actually I'm quite enjoy this kind of hectic life. I enjoy works and discuss on something with one big gang of people.

Thus, keep on working my dear EPG. Aza aza fighting! Gambateh-ne~ ^^

p/s: recently i'm indulge in Jolin Tsai's latest album --- Butterfly. another masterpiece of hers. all the mvs are quite nice. i love the dancing so much.

That's all.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sport's day

Last Thursday was my school sport's day. Our sport was held in Stadium Bangi.

Oh Gosh~ You can never imagine how hot was that. Lucky I was not one of them =p I was get ready for my event in the athlete's tent. *evil grin*
I took part in the race~ 100m and 400m. It was so tiring and I got a sunburn after the event T_____T
Ok~ No need to ask for the results. I lose~ *wailing* ToT

Even I lose, but still my dearly sweeties bought the Vanila, Yam and Chocolate flavoured ice blended. After running and sweating and tiring, take a sip of these.... So sweet~ ^.^v

Resting... And it's photo time!
Thanks to my dearest Co-Cow, Apple, Shynn, Bun, Ele, 1.5o and Goat that went there and gave me fully support! That day was actually a ''school holiday'' =p And thanks to Lily and 7un too, even they didn't attend that day. ~ Love you all so much~

Ele, me and Cow took this funny picture on the running track.
Ready~ Go!!

On the way back to school.. I'm exhausted.. Don't disturb me >.<
We had a small gathering after we back to Kajang. Lunch in Seven Wonders restaurant.

After this, we dismissed.

I was aching all over at the night. o_O My legs are still ache even until today~

Oh God~

Next time I'll choose to take part in dancing rather than this ''aggresive'' outdoor exercise *wink*

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm back, after 2 days in OUTBAC.

Completely exhausted.
Be a facilitator really tiring.
Lots of mad and exciting things happened there.
Will update soon.

Ja-ne =)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

May you rest in peace.

I received a shocking sad news from my friends just now.
Ah Sang, a talented singer has passed away in the morning yesterday. She's only 34 and she got breast cancer. She had a nice voice and her songs are so nice.
At first I thought this was a silly joke. This is so sudden and I really can't believe that she's no longer belongs to this beautiful world already.
May she rest in peace.
Back into God's arm.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Run! Rush!

Can you imagine that I'm just came back from the Broga campsite?
The 12 female facilitators, including me were went there after school for the Obstacle Games trial. ( don't ask me where are the Boys \__/ )
It's fun! I loves those outdoor 'extreme' games~ ^^
Anticipating for our camp!
My gang and I are really busy for school stuffs last week and also for this week.
What else except those hectic preparation works for the camp and also for our will-be-lauching book??
Last week all of us were stayed after school to discuss and arrange some activities for our motivation camp which will be held in this weekends. We sat in the seminar room and scratching and craking our heads to think of what should we do in the camp until around 6pm.
When we finally came out with a few suitable games, teachers suddenly told us that we no need to think of those games already, because the instructors from the camp had arranged it!!
I was liked FU~~~~ when heard this! Why don't you tell us earlier??!!
Do you know how hard we planned these out?? We were spending lots of time on these but at the end all our worksheets become waste papers!!! AAAA~~~~~~ ( \___/ )
Ok. Forget about those stupid worksheets. *hypnotise*
I have registered myself in school 100m and 400m racing competition.
Bravo is it? Well~ I think I must be....... crazy!!!
Run for 100m is actually OK for me. I was in this for 2 years when I was still a student in JESS.
But the main point is, I have been more than a year didn't practice in running already!
I can remember clearly that the last time I took part in race was in 2007.
What's wrong with me until I have this kind of guts to take part in it?? Some more I need to run for 400m after 100m finished...
Sports day is on 16.4 which is next Thursday. Oh my godness, 400m....... *wailing*
KS, is all your fault!! T_______T
Haih~ no matter what, I'll try my best to do it, since that this is my last time to participate in school sports event as a student.
This month for sure is one of the very-busy-months in 2009.
I wonder when I can post my third post after today..... Too many things have to be finished in this month and I supposed finish some of my works tonight, but, I'm sitting in front of my computer and blogging =p
Hahaha.. gambateh ya~ my dearest EPG~ ^^
* * * * * * * *
Till then. I should go to bed already since I had used up all my energy during the obstacle games. ;P
Boys Over Flowers is quite a nice movie, even I have just watched for one episode from KBS World channel. I think I'll try hard to get the dvd. =)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

To Yenx

To my dearest Yenx who turns 19 on 31.3,

Happy Belated Birthday ya =)

Hahaha.. so sorry ya leng lui~ Recently I'm too busy with my school's stuffs until I was totally forgot about your birthday =p

Feel touch or not when read this?? Kakaka~ What I wanna say here is, I'm really glad to have you as my friend. We knew each others when we were in primary school,right? Time really passing so fast. We have been friends for almost 10 years already. ^.<

We have a long long time don't meet each other, since our last met in 2005. Really longing for our next gathering, of course with Winnie too =)

Now you're officially 19 now. Wish you stay happy and healthy each and everyday in your life. All the best in your nursing study.

Miss you so much! Love you =x

Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday to S.Peng

Happy 20th birthday to our dearest
S.Peng a.k.a. Apple!

Let me brief you something about this cute girl.

  • extremely gentle and kind
  • patient. she can sit there and listen to someone talking nonsense for a long time ( actually I also not sure whether this is patient or not xD )
  • sweet. ya~ she's totally a sweetie. she sticks hello kitty and kiki lala's stickers on her stationary....
  • good listener. I can just share whatever things with her. because we know that she'll keep it as a top secret.
  • will be very-good-mummy. she loves cooking and baking. I can still remember those delicious sushi and muffins she made for us.
  • kind of.... slow. I don't what to say and how to say. for example, she's sitting with all of us in one group and we're talking excitedly + loudly on something, then when we refer to her, she'll looks into our eyes and ask "what are you guys talking?" ............ =='
  • sweets supplier. she always buy some sweets and put in her bag, then will give to us during Business and Economics lessons.
  • fragile. last year she was admitted to hospital due to her health problem and she absented for a long period. oh gosh~ since that moment, we are always concern and pay attention to her.
  • big eater. but still, she's skinny. what the *tut* is this world =='

Ok. That's all. Once again, wanna wish Apple a very happy birthday!

EPG loves you! And Mr.Yap will also loves you forever and ever. =)