Monday, January 7, 2013

My 2012 :)

Say goodbye to my lovely 2012 and give a big warm welcome to 2013! Time flies. Is time for a summary of twenty-twelve.
Lotsa things happened last year. When recalled everything just feel so unbelievable that I actually passed all these big and small things within the 12 months. :)

1. Fruitful performances year
In year 2012, as a senior in dance group, I'd lotsa chances and opportunities to take part in different types of dance performances. No matter was for big stage performances or small activities. Of cause need to give my big appreciation to those always believe in me. *touch touch* This year also the year that I broke few of my own records. Etc prepared a dance for a big show within a week, joined two dances at a same time for a really BIG show and bla bla bla. It's been some hard time for me, but I was truly enjoyed every single second of it. Once again proved that, I do LOVE dancing!

 CNY stage

Communication night of my own school

 Wen Yu - Feast of Art

Stage at UUM

2. Malam Kung Fu'12
Yes, I'm Kung Fu lady! For this year performance, I was involved in 3 parts of performances. Well of cause as usual I was so enjoying in the training and performance even that time I was also busy with my other performances and assignments wtf

3. Trip to Hat Yai
First time travel to another country without accompany of my family LOL. Had a nice sweet time there even that time was actually our study week wtf and I miss the Thai massage so much!

4. Chopped off my hair
Of cause I wish to have a long smooth hair like the model in TV but too bad I don't have the patience or time to take care of it. So, I paid a visit to saloon and changed to back to my Form 6's style. Even I'm kinda satisfy with my new look but many friends from USM said that they prefer me in long hair hahahaha.

5. Broadcasting & Hosting
Even I was busy for tons of performances and traveling, I'm still a student. The seconds and minutes when I wasn't crazy for performances were used for my study. Completed few broadcast assignments which included shooting, editing and hosting. Can never get bored to get involve in all these even these were so exhausting. More to come in 2013!

6. Big love to the new life!
Before the end of the dragon year, cousin was gave birth to this little cute boy. Thanks God for giving the family a healthy and lovely new life. Love this chubby angel so much!

So here conclude my 2012. My 22th year can't be blissful and fruitful anymore. Wish everything good will keep on rolling in 2013. Love!

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