Saturday, January 7, 2012

:: 17 again ^^ ::

This week is the first week of USM final exam.
And let's check out what had I done for this week beside struggling (nothing) for my final~



Tada! Is back to school time! ^^

Haha~ Due to the strong effect of the Taiwan hottest drama, You Are The Apple Of My Eyes, my friend had suggested we had a "school uniform date to sing K" activity. We went out SS for whole night just for the so-called released stress reason lol~

Thanks to my friend's hardworks, we managed to get ourselves each a set of uniform and feel "green" again! xD

It has been 4 years since I last put on this secondary school dress! I'm just feel myself so old already wtf.

Students of the night: Vannies, Leona, Agnus, Jennifer, Celyn & Crisnee~ ^^

Hoohoo~ had a great awesome fun night that day.
Wishing for the next uniform-ed gathering~ <3

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