Tuesday, January 26, 2010

✦Yes, I'm busy!✦

Too much of things wanna share, too little time for me to blog out.

  • I'm now teaching in a kindergarden near my house. Even kinda tiring, but still enjoying being with those lovely + annoying kids.
  • I'm also working as chocolate promoter in supermarket during weekends. That's why I can enjoy white / dark / milk chocolate every week. ( weight gained alert! weight-gained alert! )
  • Went to see Malaysia Open Badminton championship last week. But I didn't meet the person I want to see the most.
  • Waiting for the coming of February to get my salary, then will be the time for me to shop for CNY. ^^

a short post here. will update my bloggie soon.

i'm searching a new + nice banner with suit the theme of the coming month. :))

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