Thursday, January 7, 2010

✦Fast update✦

As the title says, this will an "essence" post about what have I done in the past few days. ;)

1. New year countdown party at Bun's house

Everything just like before. Same place, same type of food, same drinks, same participants. Of cause, we were as crazy as before too.

We spent the last day of 2009 by eating, drinking, talking craps, taking photos n videos & laughing as hard as we can. ^^

This is what we prepared for the welcome ceremony of 2010. Took a crazy video for that moment. Will post it up when I get it. ;)

2. PD trip twice within a week

Since we're holding a key of a FOC room, we went there twice within a week, 4 days within 7 days. =="

Went there with my uncle family too. Even stayed there for a long time, but all of us didn't get sunburn at all (because it was cloudy day everytime we were there ^^).

We went to the beach so so early on the first day and that's why we were the first group reached there. Just felt that it was our private beach. hoohoo~ ^^

They were busy looking for mini crabs while I was busy taking photos at the seaside. =P

3. Staying at home and continue to rot

When everybody is busy for school reopen & start with their workings, I'm staying at home for whole day, stick to my computer & hanging on the web. =="
Cleaned up my terribly messy desk and bookshelf. Lots of papers & reference books were digged out from there. Gotta give away all of it besides my Mathematics references. Since I like Maths so much so wanna keep those as memory. xD
Well~ finally I managed to get a job and will start working next week. Wish me will have a good working day. ^^

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