Wednesday, December 11, 2013


It really has been a while since my previous post here. Well, I have been totally occupied with my works since July and made me no time and no mood to drop by here. Now since I'm on my leave, here I come for some quite updates in these few months before 2013 cones to an end.

Work life
Many people knew that now I'm one of the freelance TV Production stuffs in Astro. This company used to be my first priority to enter after I'd graduated, and I'm lucky enough (though?) to enter the company right after my final examination at June.
Okay. My first day stepped into the office was 4th July. I will never forget this date as was a day before my birthday and had my very first OT until 9pm at the first day working wtfff. 

Working in broadcast field is always my dream. Yet I really do enjoy my works in these few months, even there were lotsa unhappy and stressful obstacles happened between. 

So far I had ended few programs as production assistant as well as assistant producer. Met lotsa people, including crews and artists; learn many new things and gained tons of experiences. 😾 Stressful time was occupied 50% of all these months sometimes make me damn sick of working. Work stress even makes me fell sick for few times and the only good side of this is I lose weight within those weeks wtf. 

Family life
Nothing much on this piece as my family is always as lovely as it used to. I sincerely understand that I really can't live without my family as I hardly can take care myself when I fully concentrate on my works. Few weeks ago I was so sick and yet have to prepare for a show shooting, thus my mind was totally set up for works. Thanks to mummy's loving care for me and I still survive until now~

Went to UM to support sister's performance with family. She claimed that this is her goodbye stage for her dance performing life in university. It was a nice show~ It makes me recall back those time when I was a student dancer in my University. Those bitter sweet time with my University mates :')

And not to forget to mention this baby boy. As cute as always. Just that now become more active as he's learning to walk without any support and also learning to speak "papa" and "mama". Oh my cuteness overloaded can die lol 


Forget to mention that, I'm now blogging with my iPhone 5. Finally I'm get myself a new phone after struggling with the broken phone for almost a year wtf. Well, smartphone is really convenient and useful in different kinda conditions 😁 I'm still exploring for more apps to utilize the phone. Thanks to main sponsor, my papa for this~

I know this is kinda a pointless post lol 
So till then. じゃね~ 💕