Thursday, March 1, 2012

:: First stage in 2012 ^^ ::

Once back to USM, tons of works are keeping on haunting me.
Busy life. Hectic jobs. Tiring schedule.

But still, I LOVE my life. Moving on with passionate spirit~ :)

Febbie' 12 is indeed a dancing month to me. On the special day 29/2/2012, I had completed a challenging task - choreographed a 4 minutes plus dance in less than 2 weeks. Sounds great isn't it? But I was so so dying in the process.

Thanks God, I have a bunch of nice dance-mates. 101% of commitment from them and always helped out with me.

Due to limited time, we always trained until late night. Well, our practices weren't that suffering actually. Dance + talking crap + syok sendiri = our nights. ^^

We done our whole performance in just 4 DAYS. Can you believe how effective are we? Woohoo~ xD
At last, we are successfully stood on the stage and had our performance. Even isn't that perfect, but still we did our best. :D

hearts them ^^

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