Monday, August 23, 2010

♪ First Uni Test week =/

I'm living another hectic life this month. So damn freaking busy and tiring.

May be I've been too relax in the past 7 months,
so now I need to some time to get used to crazy revision time again =P

Never mind. daijyobu desu~ I'm...

Still Moving UnDer GunfirE

i'm having homesick again =(

Sunday, August 22, 2010

♪ I AM

词:林秋离 曲:林俊杰

落在手里一颗泪滴 清澈地却已溶化
活在人间 我的压力和疑惑

闯过难关避开受伤 其


It’s when I’m weak that I am strong
我脆弱 却不退缩


It’s when I’m weak that I am strong
我脆弱 却不退缩 我脆弱 却不退缩

my prince latest single, I AM =) love this song so much. as awesome as always~

Saturday, August 21, 2010

♪ Shopping, shopping and shopping

Is another sunny Saturday. Went to Queensbay Mall the second time of this week with friends right after my Japanese class. Skipped my AIESAC meeting and drum practice because of this *guilty~*. =P

Love the view outside the mall since it's just located beside a bay. Windy yet the view is so beautiful. :))

Went to ShiLin shop to have our brunch. Strongly recommended by LeePeng ^^ RM10 per set and the taste really not bad. Next time I'm gonna try the Mee Sua. Lots of customers walk away with it.

Bought this in Banana Chocolate flavour. Snack break for us after shopped for hours. ;)

Can see the result of the day? Here's only part of it. xD I'm slowly discovered that I'm a shopaholic wth =P

These 2 mini-sized love to stand behind of me when taking photo. Makes me look even more bigger wth =P

In Forever 21. We were trying the clothes that suitable to beach lol. Spent hours in the shop picked and chose the most suitable one. But at last still walked away with these clothes. xD
this month is totally over budget wtf =/
have to stay in hostel without going anywhere until sem break....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

♪ Pasar Ramahdan =)

Went to pasar ramahdan that near to our hostel after our drum practice today.
As expected, the pasar is flooded by people,no matter is Malay, Chinese or Indian. (and 95% of the crowd are students from USM)

Nasi ayam~ dunno since when I am so so addicted to Malay-style chicken rice. =P

Most of the stalls are selling kuih and fried stuff.

Drink stalls also is a must in pasar ramahdan. I love the air tebu~so sweet~~ ^^

After walked around, we went to mamak nearby there for our dinner. Due to our terrible appetite and we were extremely starved till die, each of us ordered 2 types to eat. xD
The China students sat at the next table kept on staring at us wth. (to be more accurate, they stared at SuMin~)

and after meal, we played Black Magic games.
Magic is always interesting, expecially when your audience is totally blank in this field.
Isn't it? ^^