Sunday, May 30, 2010

♪ Show on Stage!

I'd been a fangirl again. Both of me and my sister. ;)
We went to Show Luo's fans meeting on 28.5.2010.

The VIP pass from my sis's friend. I love the design. Cool to the max!

The fans meeting was held in a shopping mall. We can see this kind of boards and banners everywhere.

Show is indeed a very good-looking guy! He was walking pass right in front of us. But he looks thinner in real person. Perhaps was too exhausted by his world tour concerts. =)

Me and my sister were "misuse" the VIP pass. We missed the chance to stand in the VIP zone!! =/

Nothing much to talk about this. Show came out at 4.05pm and went away at 4.30pm.
Even it's only a short time, but was enough to make us drenched with sweats and rain. =)

and i'm officially a fan of this super duper kawaii dancing king now
I'm looking forward for his concert here! ;))

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

♪ L for lazy

For no reason, recently totally have no mood for lots of things.

No mood for twitter.

No mood for blogger.

No mood for facebook.

No mood for ....... bla bla bla. =/

and i'm counting down, for the last day of "Ms.Leong"... :'(

Monday, May 10, 2010

♪ I'm leaving

I'll be leaving for Penang tomorrow. Early in the morning.

Purposely go to that far just for my USM intake interviews. Interviews for both of the courses I've chosen before, communication and graphic communication.

I know I should be thankful that they called me for 2 out of 3 courses I applied.
But the course that I want the most, interior design, they've rejected me! T_______T

* * * * *

Tomorrow mummy will accompany me go there. Then I'll be staying at my relative's house until Friday. Alone. =/

wish me good luck ;)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

♪ Lifeless =/

I'm living with a super duper very simple life now.

Morning go to kindergarden.
Noon come back, then either stay with TV, computer or books.
Night be with mp3 or watching TV with my parents.
Really really lifeless.

Now my daily life only filled with work.
And also fall sick. =/

For this kinda life, what I'm really anticipating the most,
is my HipHop dancing class.
But too bad it's only once a week. But it's enough to coloured my bored-till-die life. =/

* i love dancing more right now =) *