Monday, March 1, 2010

♪ Happy March :)

another short and wordy update from me. i really should post something to prevent my blog from dying. =)

is March now. time really passes so fast, now is already the third month in 2010. everything is still running steadily as usual. my life don't change much within this period.

i'm still working as kindergarden teacher. my job there is never just do the teaching but also need to take care of those stay for full day. need to stay with them while they're having their lunch, guide them to finish their homeworks, assist other teacher when they go for bath and bla bla bla.

went to Melacca with EPG for holiday. and also as the last trip before Lily & Bun leave for ShangHai. we really had fun there. walked for so many KMs and ate lots of different ice-blended. the weather there was hot like hell. i even got sunburn when walked around the Jonker Street.

lots of my freinds were & will be leaving to continue their study. wish them all the best and keep on moving for their goals.

when will be my turn...... ?

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