Thursday, May 5, 2011

↘ joyeux anniversaire à vous ↙

Yesterday, 4/5/4011, was the sweetie Paris's big day. Feel sad and sorry that I wasn't there to celebrate / great her by my own. But well, wishes never come late as long as this is a love on it.

Recall back when we were in our first semester, we weren't that close to each other at the very beginning. When we met, a word "Hi!" or "Where are you going?" just made up our dialogues. Perhaps the date to visit to seniors' convocation activity was the starter of everything.

* convo visit :) *

I think the epic moment was the time when we went to Art's lecture together. I think since then we become more "ji mui". Faced the crazy lecturer together, digested those so called artistic *&^%#!@ to the max pictures and tons of teories. Well, it was so harsh but interesting. ^^

* stupid pic during lecture *

Due to the influence of the playful Paris, I'm slowly infected by the virus either. =P
Outings seem never come to the end if you always tag along with her. I'm not saying that this ain't good, this shows that she's an extrovert. Fit our outgoing-needed course perfectly, isn't it?

Also because of this, my first ever clubbing experience in my life was brought by her. From the make-up, clothes and heels, all was sponsored by her. How great~ Went clubbing was fun with all the kaki like Paris, Jays and Jaeda. xD

* pic in salon at 12am in the midnight *

Last but not least, I know my sista Paris is good, nice, tall, slim, gorgeous, playful, flirty, active, crazy and bla bla bla.... any guys recommend for her? She's single and so damn available! Just kindly contact me or her when you spotted any right person~

Paris gal,
Let's continue go crazily and happily even we are not in the same major course in the coming years. Wish you have a great lovely and beautiful life after.

Happy 21st Birthday to you, my dear PARIS!
Heart you~! ^^