Thursday, August 27, 2009

The 4th year

Today, 27.8.2009, is the 4th aniversary of JJFC(M)!
*Thanks to other JMs, if not, I really forget about this important date.*

So now, I would like to post a few words here and wish JJFC(M) happy birthday~

Time really passes so fast, it have been 4 years already since I joined JJFC(M), and still counting.
4 years, it's really a long period.
I've been an official JM for 4 years already.

In this 4 years, I've made lots of JM friends.
Because of our dearest JJ boy, JJFC(M) is here.
JMs have the chance to meet and be friends with each other.
Go out for JJ's activities in Malaysia together. Go for JJFC annual gathering. SS together on our JJFC forum. Run activities together. Shout out our feelings. Share our daily life.

I'm proud to be a JM. Also as a member of JJFC.
Never regret joining JJFC and have fun with all the JMs.

Hope we'll have another 4 years and another.
May JJFC will keep on accompany all of us in the future~ ^^
Let's keep on support our JJ boy.
Support his music. Support his movie. Support all his achievements.

so again,
p/s : not just JMs , even our JJ also give us his wish through his Twitter. So touch le~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For those in Taiwan

Another disaster happening in Taiwan..
It's really terrible..

Lets pray for them.
Hope them can overcome all these sorrows soon.

Love and Hope, always there...

Friday, August 14, 2009



Changed my blogskin to this.

Spent about an hour to do this. xD

Likes the colour so much~
So nice is it??


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Because of IT

Since the H1N1 flu becomes more and more serious, my school provides masks for all the teachers and students. *so rich~*
But just for one day, then everyone needs to buy it themselves. =="

Actually we really refused to wear it.
Can you imagine that how hard to breathe and talk after put this on your face??
Everybody was complaining the same things ---> hard to talk, hard to breathe, hard to drink.

So, apparently, most of us just hanged the masks on the bottles or just put it in bags. xP
We just put it on during our MUET lesson (cause MUET teacher 's is our Form teacher and she's really ....... ==" we'll be in big trouble if she caught us not wearing it properly)

As usual, takes photo everywhere, everytime.. ^^
* we look really funny in those masks >o< *